第1行: 第1行:
| 1 = 社群=>zh-hans:社区; 社群=>zh-cn:社区
| 1 = 社群=>zh-hans:社区; 社群=>zh-cn:社区
| 2 = 支援=>zh-hans:支持; 支援=>zh-cn:支持
| 2 = 義大利=>zh-hans:意大利; 義大利=>zh-cn:意大利
| 3 = 支援=>zh-hans:支持; 支援=>zh-cn:支持
| 4 = 造訪=>zh-hans:访问; 造訪=>zh-cn:访问;
第7行: 第9行:
== Fandom國際團隊 ==
== Fandom國際團隊 ==
=== 國際志願團隊(International Volunteering Team)===
國際志願團隊(International Volunteering Team),簡稱IVT,一群來自世界各地極度熱愛Fandom的用戶所組成,並且喜歡用所屬語言協助和支援我們的社區他們與用們密切相,包含通知即將推出的產品或功能,協助確尚未涵蓋的新主題,在社區上幫助創建聚光燈滑塊等等。
=== 國際志願團隊(International Volunteering Team) ===
國際志願團隊(International Volunteering Team,IVT)是一群來自世界各地極度熱愛Fandom且喜歡用當地語言我們的社區提供幫助和支援的使用者組成的。他們與使聯繫,提供有關即將推出的產品或功能的資訊、幫助確尚未涉及到的新主題、通過聚光燈滑塊等方式來展示社區等等。
{{w:IVTMembers/zh}} <!-- https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Template:IVTMembers/zh -->
IVT成員通常擁有與員工類似的[[Help:Volunteers and Helpers|全域權限]]並以類似員的方式助社區。
=== 國際社區發展团队 ===
Fandom國際社區發展的成員們會在這裡協助讓您的社區變得更加強大酷炫。他們優化維基的首頁, 設計酷炫的版面和logo, 使維基更容易的操作並且會針對進一步改善您的社區來給予許多良好的建議。有关Fandom国际社区团队成员的介绍,请访问[[W:staff|英文社区中心]]查询详细内容。
{{w:IVTMembers/zh}} <!-- https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Template:IVTMembers/zh -->

2020年6月29日 (一) 14:00的版本




國際志願團隊(International Volunteering Team)

國際志願團隊(International Volunteering Team,IVT)是一群來自世界各地極度熱愛Fandom且喜歡用當地語言為我們的社區提供幫助和支援的使用者組成的。他們與使用者們緊密聯繫,提供有關即將推出的產品或功能的資訊、幫助確定尚未涉及到的新主題、通過建立聚光燈或滑塊等方式來展示社區等等。






DE - 德文

Gerrit德文助手團隊的主管。他把很多時間都用在瀏覽 Fandom 和編輯娛樂或電玩話題的 wiki 社區。

ES - 西班牙文

bitomic is a Spanish helper. He has been recently active on Fandom since April 2020, starting on Black Clover Wiki and currently leading Wiki Genshin Impact. He is especially interested in performing tasks with bots (like conquering the world), structuring wikis and having a coffee every now and then!
NeoGirl is a Spanish helper. She started on Fandom on December 2012, beginning on One Piece Wiki and Bleach Wiki, and since then she has participated in several anime wikis. She loves manga, action comics and really enjoys sci-fi movies.
SacredOwl是一名西班牙文助手。2011年9月,他从Bleach Wiki开始并一直活跃在Fandom上。他對許多從魯保羅變裝皇后秀到你能想到任意種類日漫的話題都感興趣。
Taxcy Marsopas1 is a Spanish Helper that has been active in Fandom since 2015. They are an admin of Polandball Wiki, among other communities. They are a member of the IVT since 2021. If you need their services, do no hesitate to reach out to them.
Zeist Antilles是一名西班牙語社區助手。他在2006年開始活躍於Fandom並且通常傾向於活躍在西班牙語社區的星際大戰維基,他也對於其他方面的不少話題感到興趣。

FR - 法文

Dark Yada是一名法文助手兼法文先鋒團隊領袖。他於2014年在Wiki LEGO入門Fandom,一年後加入了Picsou Wiki,但參與各種法文或英文版wiki。他也是全域討論版主團隊的一部分
God D. Sogeflo是一名法文助手兼法文ConVol團隊的一名成員。他於2013年在One Piece Encyclopédie入門Fandom,後來領養了The Voice Wiki。他熱愛幫助各種wiki壯大它們的社群。
Juliepersonne是一名法文助手兼法文ConVol團隊的領導者。受Wiki Glee偉大的精神啟發,她於2012年加入了,創建了Wiki Chuck。她喜歡幫助各種wiki,即使她對該話題不敢興趣。
Thegamer1604 is a French helper. He's a member of French ConVol Team and Squadron Team. He really started to contribute on Red Dead Wiki and adopted it. He loves playing video games and like to help the others users.
Tsunade18 is a French helper as a member of French ConVol Team and Squadron Team. She started to work on the French Naruto Wiki in 2012 and became one of the administrators some months laters. She also likes to work on wikis which subjects interest her.

IT - 義大利文

Cresh.是一位義大利語社區的助手。他於2014年3月加入Fandom並作為Nonciclopedia的成員之一, Nonciclopedia是一個以詼諧的方式模仿維基百科的義大利版偽基百科。他很熟悉於wiki程式碼,目前您可以至義大利的社區中心找到他 ,在那裏他給予支援並且向其他於 Fandom 的義大利成員提供許多良善的建議。
Daeron del Doriath is an Italian helper. He began his Fandom journey in September 2011 as a member of Tolkienpedia, the Italian wiki on The Lord of the Rings, and became its administrator soon after. Apart from books, he also likes sci-fi movies and TV shows.
Leviathan 89是一位義大利社區的助手。 作為航海王粉絲的他開始編輯於 Fandom 社區,在成為管理員之後,他開始與航海王的英語社區義大利社區共同攜手合作。 他喜歡瞎搞wiki程式碼、CSS和JavaScript,因此他喜歡幫助其他向他詢問的同行編輯者。他是一位物理系學生,於是他自然而然地喜歡於自然科學以及技術領域等相關科系。

JA - 日文

Crtke is a Japanese helper. He started editing the Japanese Minecraft Wiki in 2018 and joined Fandom IVT in 2021. He likes to take pictures and play PC games.
Tomeito is a Japanese helper. He started editing at Japanese Wookieepedia in 2009. He also served on Fandom's staff for a short time until 2018. He loves the movies, not to mention Star Wars.

PL - 波蘭文

Akodone is a Polish helper. She joined Fandom in 2016 and is an admin on a few wikis, including Polish Miraculous Ladybug Wiki. She likes watching cartoons and anime, reading books and crocheting.
Vuh是一位波蘭語社區的助手。他喜歡與技術方面相關的事物 - CSS、JavaScript、Lua和擴展 MediaWiki。他於2010年開始編輯於上古捲軸系列維基(Polish)。他的興趣主要是玩各類的遊戲以及觀賞動漫。

PT - 葡萄牙文

Dioniso7 is a 是一位葡萄牙語助手,他在2017年11月加入FANDOM並在2018年10月加入IVT。他的主要工作是改善社區。他最開始活躍於Warframe葡萄牙語社區而現在在這裡工作。
Eduaddad是一位葡萄牙文助手。他於2015年4月加入Fandom,於2020年中期加入IVT。他的主要職務是在我們的Fandom/Gamepedia Discord伺服器上支援葡萄牙語言頻道、翻譯員工網誌和管理葡萄牙文社群中心
.krowl25 is a Portuguese helper. He joined Fandom in October 2012 and likes pretty much anything from animations, gaming, comics, etc. He prefers to work most with the technical part and assisting users in general but can also help with content too, if needed.

RU - 俄文


Екатерина(Katuwa)是一位俄文助手。她於2013年加入Fandom。真實生活中,她學習金融學、閱讀小說和她花費她的自由時間幫助動漫專案。她的第一次編輯是在俄文FAIRY TAIL魔導少年Wiki作出,與2014年她創建了俄文影子籃球員Wiki
Юрий (Kuzura)是一位俄語社區的助手。 在現實生活中,他是一位研究腐蝕金屬的科學家。 他喜歡閱讀自然相關的小說並幻想出一齣齣良好的動畫電影和連續劇。一開始在Russian Lostpedia是一位普通的用戶。後來成為了第一位Russian Lostpedia維基的管理員。 之後LOST檔案系列結局後他開始工作於俄語降世神通維基俄語社區中心
Ольга(Cryosleep)是一位俄文助手。當她對Final Fantasy的愛再度覺醒她於2018年加入Fandom.真的從未料到待這麼久,她仍然不想離開。幸運地她真的喜歡翻譯(結合她的職業與愛好),足夠細心轉移條目至俄文專案。她喜歡好康電影、遊戲,在某些手工藝品還不遜。

Дмитрий (Arhhhat) is a Russian helper. In October 2019, he joined to Russian Don't Starve Wiki, which became his first wiki on the Fandom. Most of all he likes to create templates and CSS styles. In real life, he makes music: plays bass guitar in a band and studies sound engineering.

ZH - 中文

机智的小鱼君(Dragon Fish)是一名中文助手,他在2019年1月加入国际志愿团队,他一般负责协助处理中文wiki的领养申请以及跨语言链接申请。他十分热爱Web Design和MediaWiki,他超级喜欢电子游戏和日本ACGN文化,他最喜欢的游戏是噶殿荡(命运2)最终幻想XIV(FF14)以及Genshin Impact(原神),最喜欢的轻小说是No Game No Life(游戏人生)。其实本人就是个中二病+技术宅,有任何与Fandom有关的问题可以随时给他留言~
Winston Sung德語DeutschHerbert) 是一名主要使用臺式繁體中文臺灣正體」(zh-Hant-TW)中文/漢語/華語助手。他在2018年加入Fandom,並於2020年成為國際志願團隊(IVT)的一員。他主要處理的事務有社群支援、字詞轉換、翻譯及改善網誌翻譯、技術更新帖子及MediaWiki系統訊息。在現實生活中,他是一位大學生。
米斯蒂娅(Mystia) is a Chinese helper. He uses zh-Hans-CN most. He joined International Volunteering Team in March 2021. He mainly focuses on interwiki links and wiki adoption requests. He likes the web design, although not good at. He also wrote some simple applications in Python. As an ACG (games especially) lover, he plays Genshin Impact and Arknights very often.




Luqgreg是一位波蘭語社區的助手。他於 2015 年末加入 Fandom 並且主要帮助从事技术工作。

CA - 加泰隆尼亞文

BroOk is a Catalan helper. He joined Fandom in 2010, founded the Catalan One Piece Wiki and has participated in several wikis, especially in anime communities. He has also been an admin of the Catalan Community Central since 2013. He is interested in science and loves manga, anime and dubbing.
Piece enrik is a Catalan helper. He joined Fandom in April 2010 editing English One Piece Wiki, and later became admin in Catalan One Piece Wiki on the same year. He likes animals, reading BL manga and editing any Catalan wiki to help it grow.

FI - 芬蘭文


ID - 印度尼西亞文

Sayla Ryougetsuten is a Indonesian helper. She first joined Fandom in 2012 and started to editing wikis in English Code Geass Wiki. She found Fairy Tail Indonesian Wiki in June 2015 and adopted the wiki. She is avid fan of anime and manhwa, aside of that she likes to play Genshin Impact. She mainly focuses on Indonesian localization. Aside of that, she is a final year student majoring English.

KO - 韓文


NL - 荷蘭文

Tupka217是一名荷蘭文助手。他自2008年11月成為Fandom的一名成員,起初在DCAU Wiki稍後在DC資料庫少年正義聯盟Wiki。她沒有去荷蘭文直到2016年,當他創建了荷蘭文DC Wiki。做為一名助手,她會主要集中於國際化。

VI - 越南文

Rémy是一位來自越南胡志明市唐人街的助手,现居意大利罗马。在Fandom上,他在越南語降世神通維基作為主要的編輯者 - 作為越南语的降卋神通:最後的气宗降卋神通:柯拉傳奇。在現實生活中,他是位医科学生,喜歡烹飪,喜愛品茶、書籍、文學,由其是《永恒之城》。他最喜歡的俗語是「寧三天不食莫一日無茶」,可以隨時向他說哈囉!

Squadron Team

Anti is a Russian member of the Fandom Squadron. She is a big fan of video games and books. Anti is mainly engaged in writing and editing articles on wikiprojects, as well as designs and codes (HTML, CSS and JS).
BooBooLyon has been on Fandom since September 2019, founder of the Wiki on Starz Power and he also contributes on many other wikis, especially the MCU one, being a big fan. If you see him on your wiki, it means he is currently watching the series/movie in question. He's still learning how to use the platform so don't blame him if he makes a few mistakes…
CoralBat1714 has been on Fandom since August 2020 and does several wikis at the same time. She is an administrator on the French-speaking Wiki Stranger Things and she is a little everywhere on the French-speaking wikis.
Mapmaker Lich, or simply Lich. Registration date: September 2017, first edit: November 2017, start of active editing: February 2018, in RU Squadron since winter 2018/19. First game: Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Gathering Storm (favourite map: Three Queens (sorry for mistake - directly translateed from Russian version - Lich). Main skills: editing and creating articles, discussing and generating ideas. Can create simple design without heavily relying on CSS and don't relying on JS (due to 0 knowledge about it). Can speak English rather good if it's needed.
Mopsgamer is a Russian Squadron member.
MyManga is a French Squadron member. Fandom user since March 2021, he started to edit pages on the French My Hero Academia Wiki, and four months later, he became admins on it. He's a fan of manga and video games based on them.
Esteban is a French contributor on Fandom. He joined the platform on September 2019 and Squadron on April 2020. Administrator on some wikis about books, he specialises mainly in templates and CSS.