





隨著我們不斷將平台上的社區遷移到全新的統一社區體驗 (UCX),若想知道您的社區會變成甚麼樣子,您現在已經得到了設計與測試的機會

對於大多數人來說,除了 wiki 的基本主題與顏色樣式,還會有其他需要測試與重新設計的元素。調整後的 wiki 外觀通常可以超越預設外觀,使客製化深入契合所及領域。

正如我們會解釋的那樣,隨著 UCX 的推出,我們今天也要推出更新的客製化原則,規定您如何客製化社區,以及可以客製化甚麼。基於你們對上一個版本的客製化原則的回饋,我們相信有一些區域可以提供更開放的原則。無論如何,我們還是必須設計一些一成不變、黑白分明的規則。請繼續閱讀,深入了解。


客製化與社區辨別度向來都是 Fandom 體驗的核心。所以,為了讓使用者進一步客製化,Fandom 開發了 UCX。在我們不斷地對「預設」外觀測試、探索,並如此循環往復的時候,我們還考察了高度客製化的社區,嘗試去理解使用者建立的客製化額外圖層會怎樣影響最終外觀。

客製化固然重要,但是必須制定邏輯限制甚麼可以發生,甚麼不可以發生。隨著人們從一個社區去往另一個社區,在從讀者到編輯者再到創辦者的道路上前進,重要的是他們能將從一個 wiki 上學到的,用於建設另一個。這次學到的重要經驗是,要讓使用者介面與功能一致,要讓訪客能夠依賴於介面,即瀏覽 Fandom 時,功能都放在垂手可得的地方。




  1. 主題設計器 - We’ve built a lot of customization options into our Theme Designer tool. It’s designed to allow you to quickly and easily make changes to your design without having to mess with complicated CSS/JS code. It’s best to use a tool purpose-made for site design rather than having to configure the code manually, which could have unexpected consequences.
  2. Discuss changes with your community. - It’s always important to ensure your community is on board with a site design change. What looks good to you may look bad to others. It’s also important to consider if the proposed change solves a problem or limitation with your current design. If it doesn’t, is the change actually necessary?
  3. Consider usability. Critically, remember there are individuals that use your site that may have physical limitations that could make a customization detrimental to their reading or editing experience. Avoid a reliance on color coding to be inclusive of colorblind individuals. Make sure any custom fonts or font-sizes can be read by those with poor eyesight - test on a screen reader when possible. And opacity can be taxing on even those who have normal vision.
  4. Consider screen sizes. Remember that the UCX desktop design has a fluid width, so how a customization appears on your screen may look different on others. This is especially true if you have a larger-than-average monitor. Hardcoding a CSS change to space things out a certain way on your screen may unexpectedly compress or distort the viewing experience for other users.
  5. Consider performance. It’s also important to consider the CSS & JS files take up computational and rendering time, especially if you are loading up an image. Poor speeds can hurt your SEO. It can also affect users with lower-bandwidth connections. If you must load images using CSS or JS, make sure they are as small and compressed as possible.

What Is & Is Not Permitted[]

It is important to note that all the following policies apply to site-level JavaScript & CSS (i.e. code stored on your wiki’s MediaWiki namespace). You may continue to use your personal JavaScript/CSS however you would like as long as it does not affect any other user. Also please note that, as noted in a previous section, if a customization makes a part of the community unusable, regardless of what “area” that customization affects, we will ask you to modify or remove it.

Noteworthy changes from the previous customization policy are italicized.

頁面內容區域 - Communities may customize the content area of their community (that is to say the area of the page where user-submitted content is displayed) as desired.

Basic Interface Elements & Advertisements - The user interface and advertisements are the basic, expected functions of the site, and must remain in place. For example, a visitor should always see the “Edit” button or the "Recent Changes" button in the same place, and it should work as they expect. Additionally, custom cursors are not permitted. Some features are optional, but these should be managed via the settings or with staff help, rather than being removed via CSS. This helps us to track the features and get accurate data on how they are being used across Fandom.

網站背景圖片 - The complete background of the page may be modified using CSS to override or complement the “page header”-type image. Other changes to the background may not force the site to be rendered in a certain width or otherwise modify the fluidity of the layout.

全域導覽列 - We consider this a core element of the site due to both its value to cross-wiki discovery and as the entry point to the user’s personalized experience. As such, the left hand global navigation bar may not be altered, repositioned, obscured, or otherwise affected in any way.

本地導覽列 - Additional top-level menus may not be added to the local navigation beyond the functionality allowed through the navigation tool. Additional items on all other child menus may be appended as necessary.

頁面各級標題 - The page header may be modified through the use of properly licensed fonts. However, Fandom staff will be particularly proactive in addressing any issues that negatively impact the usability of this part of the page and will ask you to change it if we deem it unusable.

右側欄(Right Rail) - Additional elements and modules are allowed to be placed in the right rail, below the default elements. However, they may not push down the placement of the advertisement module in that space.
