Community Central
Community Central

Woah! What a rush! We've been pleasantly surprised at the great response we've received from everybody who's poked their head into a chat and saw what a useful and fun tool it is - even if it is still in beta. We're excited about chat (and the future features and fixes we have planned) and it's awesome that you're all on board too!

We've had many requests to turn chat on many different wikis, ranging from small yet aggressively growing wikis to gigantic gaming wikis, so we created a place where you can nominate your wiki to be a test wiki for chat. Here's how to do it:

  1. Talk about it on your wiki. Confer with other admins about turning chat on. It is a commitment to host chat and make sure your community can handle the bugs and issues that come with testing a beta product.
  2. Comment below with your wiki's name and please include a link to the discussion on your site.

While we want everybody to have this feature (which they will eventually) please be aware that we cannot turn it on for every request. We're looking for particular audience sizes and uses, and some wikis at the moment won't fit what we need to test.

Thanks again!

-- Trevor (Ohmyn0)

Addendum 4/29 We've slowed down the rate at which we are putting this on new wikis at the moment so we can focus our efforts on hammering out the new changes to Chat. This should help get it in Labs more quickly. We appreciate your patience!