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Hello Wikians!

Today marks the launch of a brand new product, Wikia Maps.

With Wikia Maps, you and your community can create interactive maps to highlight your content in an even more visual and shareable way, offering a deep-dive into the places, characters, and things that you love.

Wikia Maps is uniquely designed so that you can map both the fictional world and the real world, including anything from game play to concert posters, runway fashion to book covers.

You can already see communities using Wikia Maps as an interactive storytelling tool. Check out Game of Thrones for a map of Westeros, including pins and links that connect to the community’s rich content. Star Wars Fanpedia mapped the Millennium Falcon, connecting the iconic image to facts and information about the ship.

So, what story do you want to tell? This is a product that begins with a blank slate, one that you and your community can build from the ground up. But how does it actually work? Follow the link below, and you can find out everything you need to know about Wikia Maps and how you can use it on your community.

From the mountains of Elder Scrolls to the spaceships of a galaxy far, far away, you can map it!

Find out more about Maps here.

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