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Xean Xean 23 January 2012

You Know You're a Wikian If

We all know there are certain things that make a wikian a wikian - things that the rest of the world doesn't really understand but that show our fellow wikian's we're one of them. Some of them are actions we take, ways we think, or words we say but they are all uniquely wikian. So what are they?

You know you're a wikian if....

  1. You try to edit just about every post, page or photo you see on the web
  2. You get mad when a website doesn't show its edit history
  3. You try to type in a url and automatically add every time
  4. You see a sad looking wiki and can't help trying to improve it
  5. You watch a show/movie and hope there's a wiki for it
  6. You play a video game and just know there's a wiki for it
  7. Someone is talking about something and you go "there's …
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Xean Xean 5 January 2012

Featured Wikian: The 888th Avatar

Welcome to the first 2012 installment of our Featured Wikian blog series featuring The 888th Avatar!

Wikia: Tell us a little bit about yourself

The_888th_Avatar: I’m just a teenager who’s happy to have finally completed high school! This year, I plan to begin a five-year double degree in Arts and Law, which could really take me anywhere. I’m also a Chinese Australian who takes great interest in technology, travel, history and politics. My favorite pastime is writing, which I sometimes take very unconventional approaches to – much to the frustration of many of my former teachers.

Wikia: How did you first discover Wikia and which wikis do you spend the most time on?

The_888th_Avatar: I began following Avatar: The Last Airbender after I became immer…

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Xean Xean 5 December 2011

Featured Wikian: Station7

Welcome to the next installment of our Featured Wikian blog series. Recently, we chatted with Station7, a Dutch user who spends a lot of time editing a lot of wikis!

Wikia: Tell us a little bit about yourself
Station7: My name is Robert and I have Autism. I have an internship this year, so I'll be in school 2 days a week and my internship 3 days. I'm 18 years old, and I have a sister. I especially love; Lost, 24, Prison Break, and now Breakout Kings. I also collect books and comics from the Dutch "de Rode Ridder" and I'm collecting the books which appear in Lost.

Wikia: How did you first discover Wikia?
Station7: All the credit goes to my sister for finding Wikia. She typed in Lost, and found the name "Lostpedia". This is how I discovered Wikia.


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Xean Xean 16 November 2011

Showcasing Cool Wiki Activities

Simply put, you guys are awesome. You come up with amazing and interesting things all the time. Your wikis are an inspiration to other wikis, other users, and Wikia staff. You should be proud of the amazing things you create, and you should share them with the world!

We're proud of the things you do on wikis, and we often share links with one another from our favorite finds. Today, we've collected a sampling of the cool stuff communities have done below. This isn't all of them, and we're sure we've missed a bunch, so feel free to add your own finds in the comments below!

  • Featuring content on the main page helps your community find their way around. Check out the interesting treatment for a Featured Article/Featured Image on Songpedia.
  • Sliders…

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Xean Xean 7 November 2011

Featured Wikian: Team Doofenshmirtz

Welcome to the next installment of our Featured Wikian blog series. Recently, we chatted with Team Doofenshmirtz, a Gleek with a passion for Tardis.

Wikia: Tell us a little bit about yourself
Team Doofenshmirtz: Well, I am totally into television, video games, and manga. I am a HUGE Doctor Who fan. I am an "otaku." My favorite Internet memes are the anti-joke chicken and the close enough guy. My favorite actor is Mike Myers.

Wikia: How did you first discover Wikia?
Team Doofenshmirtz: My dad found the Phineas and Ferb Wiki and showed it to me. It's a awesome wiki! And it was my first.

Wikia: Which wikis do you spend the most time on, and which is your main wiki?
Team Doofenshmirtz: I probably spend most time on the PFFanon, Glee, and Ouran High Schoo…

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