Community Central


Community Central
Community Central

Hi all!

We are releasing a new update next week!

Tweak: Fan Feed will be removed from article pages with less than 200 words of content on desktop
Launching: April 15
Premise: Earlier this year, we experimented with the idea of removing the Fan Feed. Our hypothesis was that users would stay on an article for a longer time without the distraction of the Fan Feed. We tested different variations, like removing it completely, removing it from long pages, and removing it from short pages. We found that removing the Fan Feed from long pages or removing it all together actually caused a drop in engagement, while removing it from short pages increased page views.
Data: In the experiment mentioned above, we saw a .12% increase in PVs on short pages.

Fandom Staff
Hi there! I'm Jenny, one of the Community Managers on the Safety team here at Fandom. I'm a big fan of anime (check out my profile to see what series I'm into) and Japanese comedians/owarai. I also like going to Starbucks and pretending I'm cool with my iced chai latte.
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