If this is the first you're hearing about the Unified Community Platform project, read this to learn more about the entire scope of the project before commenting.
Hey gang!
We’re very excited to announce that, as of yesterday, all NEW Fandom wikis created by you, our awesome editors, are on the Unified Community Platform!
This is the first release of many as we work on bringing features over from the legacy platforms to account for existing use cases. At this time, we view the current state as ostensibly an “open beta” release. Having the platform available to you in such an early form is incredibly important for understanding how it performs under normal user load.
As a reminder, your existing wikis will remain on the legacy Fandom and Gamepedia platforms until the UCP is more feature-rich and can support them.
We’ve revived the Tech Updates board to bring what I’m calling Release Highlights for noteworthy UCP releases, including known issues. It is the best place for you to provide feedback from your new UCP wikis and to stay up to date on what each new release brings to the new platform. We are already tracking a number of bugs discovered by our invaluable early adopters.
As promised, I have created a new UCP wiki for y’all to explore the MediaWiki 1.33 update, new editor, new profiles, etc. Go check out the Wreck-It Woodhouse wiki.
Welcome to the Unified Community Platform! Welcome to the future of Fandom!
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