The best possible local navigation bar
Did you know that 99.95% of the people on Fandom are readers, not editors? Admins tend to focus almost exclusively on the needs of their fellow editors, since readers leave no visible trace. Yet while wikis can’t exist without editors, their content is useful and enjoyable to a far larger audience. Many more people rely on the content you create and appreciate your work than you might have thought. It’s crucial that you keep this in mind when organizing your wiki’s local navigation bar, to make it as useful to your audience as possible.
(Can’t be bothered to read all this? Jump to the bottom for a summary!)
Fandom’s User Experience Research team has looked into how users typically move around on a wiki and where they click (and where they don…
Introducing long-awaited Discussions updates
It’s been a long time since you’ve seen a meaningful update to Discussions, leaving communities feeling rightly frustrated with the state of Discussions and with Fandom for not providing long-awaited features. Honestly, we don’t blame you. You weren’t wrong.
For the last eight months, we’ve been taking a long, hard look at our priorities and the things that we need to focus on in order to create a better community experience. There’s a lot we’re going to be announcing over the coming weeks and months because of that, but right now I’m excited to say we have some fresh improvements for Discussions that will go live next week!
When analyzing how people use Fandom, we see that there are a lot of users who drop in on your wiki, find what they’re…
Update on our plans to bring Gamepedia and Fandom together
It’s been awhile since we announced that Fandom and Curse Media have joined forces, and we owe you some updates about what we’ve been up to in the last few months. Since then a lot of you have asked what coming together means for the future of Fandom, what our plans are, and a lot of other great questions that we weren’t able to answer yet. Today we’re excited to finally begin sharing some information about the progress we’ve been making and some of what you can expect to see happen in the coming weeks.
To start with, we want to introduce you to something we’re calling Project Crossover.
The goal of this project is pretty simple: We want to encourage and facilitate knowledge sharing, cooperation, and collaboration between Fandom users and Gam…
The Unified FANDOM App Now Available For Android
At the beginning of June, we launched a major update to the FANDOM app on iOS. We added wiki articles and Discussions to the existing editorial content, uniting all types of content in one app. Now the same unified experience is available on Android as well.
With the unified FANDOM app for iOS and now for Android, fans can follow an entire fandom and all of its content, rather than just follow news topics. You have access to many fandoms, some of which consist of a standalone community without editorial content, editorial content only, and many that offer both. You choose which fandoms to follow and participate in.
This update also introduced the FANDOM app to international users, featuring communities and Discussions in their language, alth…
Those Weird Things on the Internet
It’s people!!! Yes, the internet consists of computers, servers, routers, modems and a gazillion bites - but in the end, that technology is only the infrastructure that connects billions of people across the globe.
The users are what makes the web so vast, so diverse, and often so mind-boggling. In this blog, we talk about why it is important to remind yourself that everything you encounter on a wiki and the web in general was created by someone, and for some purpose. You are always dealing with a person, not a script or robot, at the other end.
Have you ever been annoyed by someone refusing to follow the rules, ignoring your instructions, or being plain rude to you or others? Sometimes, they could very well do better, but don’t want to - we…