Community Central
Community Central

Hello everyone!

Have you recently been visiting our help index? There's been a major update to it!

As part of our efforts to improve the effectiveness of Community Central, our goal for improving our Help Documentation and the index, which is one of the most visited pages on Community Central, has been to make it more useful for people.

Cc update program help index editing

The editing / contribution help section on the mobile index

Previously, it was hit or miss if you found what you were looking for, especially if you did not know what sub-page to look into. This is why we moved the majority of links up one level onto the help index and augmented the presentation in three ways:

  1. Easier navigation through simple iconography in addition to text
  2. Easier accessibility on mobile through bigger link buttons
  3. Supplementation of help documentation with existing advice blogs, explaining the very basics of the help page in a more simple way

The five major areas we decided to focus on were Contributing / Editing, Design & Accessibility, Personalization & Mobile Apps, Community & Wiki Management, and last but not least, Advanced Technical Documentation - because we know our power users are looking for advanced technical topics as well, so we decided to bundle most of them in a single place for their convenience.

As part of this revamp, we decided to fully integrate the Gamepedia Help wiki into our Community Central, which brought Community Central great help pages like the DPL3 documentation, Help:WhatLinksHere, Help:Regular expressions, Help:Troubleshooting, Help:Cargo, Help:Cheevos and Help:Cheevos Achievements You can find all former GP help pages by browsing this category.

One of the clear distinctions we wanted to make as part of this upgrade to help pages is that our existing help pages are more akin to knowing what you are looking for but want to learn more and deeper knowledge about it, while the new advice section is moreso aimed at beginners in the given topic and how to put the knowledge to use with practical examples.

So tell us, which part of the help page update is your favorite?

We are aware of the scary transclusion issue for GP wikis, and have an open bug ticket to address it. If you are experiencing this problem, please mention UGC-4303 affecting you to your wiki rep.