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Mon Sep 30 Formula One

I have a desire to develop my skills, challenge my brain and created something on the internet that I am proud of. I fulfilled it for many years by creating blogs which involved tables (which is the background to my usename). In October 2013, I could not find a subject I looked for on Wikipedia. Doing a Yahoo search found a wiki on the subject. With the benefit of template creation (an extension of tables), I became a Wikia contributor.

I am achieving my self-development with Wikia in 3 ways:

  1. I have adopted a number of parked wikis (wiki created but little content) and IMHO turned them into a small but well-layout locations. This is giving me an opportunity to "template experiment" trying out different designs.
  2. I peruse Community Central forums to gain more knowledge which I use to make my wikis more "coding-correct". October 2013 was not long ago so still remember how it feels to be confused with coding. So whilst on CC, if I have a solution, I will reply to help threads. The satisfaction I gain when I solve a problem (and gain more knowledge in the process) is my reward.
  3. The 3rd marker of self-worth is the gratitude I get afterwards. I have noted that many wikians value their self-worth by their edit count or titles. Mine is simply messages like these...

I recently started up a wikia and received a lot of fantastic help from TableWiz who sorted me out a few codes. As you can see, he's done a great job :)

Whoah! This is all really, really cool. Just knowing that it is possible is amazing. Thanks so much for everything you've done. Can't say that enough. This has been such a delightful experiment, it truly has.

WHOA BOY YOU ARE AMAZING????? You swooped into my help thread and fixed all my problems and then came to my wiki and helped me build a functional dpl forum system AND YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!


Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help. I've talk with the superadmin and some other admins in our discord community and we really appreciate your big help. Thanks!

TableWiz, I just want to thank you for all of the help you have given me. You have taught me so much about things that I have always been very confused about. You are really are a valuable part of this community.

Many thanks for passing by and helping communities grow and benefit from your expertise. Your name will be much mentioned to people willing to take help of good specialists in the HTML field.

Thank you so much TableWiz that’s literally perfect. Everytime I see you, you always seem to have a solution lol.

Omg Tablewiz that was the best message I've woken up to in a while. You're amazing!! TYSM!

Thanks so much man, I knew I could count on you to help me out like always! It works great now :D

Thank you so much for basically finishing the whole table for me, and patiently explaining!! This helped me soo much and worked perfectly on my page; I don't know how to express my gratitude, but thank you for helping me!! Also have a nice day!!

OMG you are absolutely awesome! Its been VERY difficult getting help, and some people were even pretty rude about me asking for help. This was all I needed help with, and I can't be more happy you came through for me!

Thank you so much for making an infobox for my wiki! It's something I've wanted for a long time, But I never knew how to do it, Since I never made a template before, and Fandom's own tutorial on how to do It was very confusing for me. You helped me out more than you can imagine

the code works wonderfully! Thank you very much! It's the exact output I wanted!!

Thank you SO much! You're a lifesaver, y'know what?

Have a good rest of your day, mate. :)

Cool. Good to know. Thanks again for the help, mate. :)

Keep up the good work. 👍

I got it working! I'm really happy with how it looks now and I couldn't have done it without your help! <3

I checked the wiki and now know the proper steps, I’ve tried it on my own now and can easily work it, Thank You!

Thanks a lot. the main problem is coding confuses me and i have no idea where and how to do things

Thanks for your help! Thank you very much for your attention, it was very kind.

Thank you very much for the help I'll be using the code you used to fix the other templates


02 : Okay thx
01 : Ty!

27 : Thanks for fixing the infobox! It's most appreciated! Thanks, dude :D
22 : Yes, it's fixed. Thanks again, mate :)
18 : Thanks, mate! Keep up the good work. 👍
14 : thank you kind stranger!
03 : thank you very much for the help. :)


04 : I am surprised and thankful!
02 : Amazing! I'm very thankful. Now it looks the way I wanted.

18 : TableWiz Thank you
17 : Holy bazonggers tysm 🤯
16 : I think I've got it now. Thanks a million for your help :-)
04 : Awesome thanks!

18 : MANY thanks!! Have a nice day!
17 : I saw how to make it work. Thanks dud
16 : Thank you so much! I'll try to keep that in mind in case this happens again.

31 : Ok it worked, thanks
28 : Thanks
27 : Thanks!
27 : Thanks a lot!
21 : Thank you so much!
12 : Oh, I was wondering what that was for, thank you!

20 : u the goat tysm
17 : Thank you! I appreciate it.
12 : Gotcha.. I'll have to try that, thanks.

22 : Thank You!
21 : Thank You! It works.
14 : Thanks u :D
11 : Looks like it is fixed, thank you very much for the help.
04 : Thank you!

22 : Thanks for the help!
21 : Thanks for the help.
08 : Thank you man!
05 : Ahhh I see now, thank you!

28 : Thank you! ^.^
12 : Thank you for the help!
08 : Okay, thank you! :D

30 : Had to tweak with it a bit but I got it working, tysm! 💗
25 : Thank you so much
24 : Thank you for making our templates look better!

24 : It worked. Thanks!
22 : Alright. Thanks for the help!
18 : Whoever fixed it, thank you!
12 : It works beautifully. Thank you so much!
05 : Thank you!

31 : Thank you! Am still learning this
23 : Thanks a bunch for the help!


24 : Thank you!
22 : Thank you!
21 : Thanks, mate! Keep up the good work 👍

18 : Thank you, you actually helped me instead of the other ppl
08 : Thank you very much
06 : That worked! Thanks so much, awesome help!

25 : Saved me again, lol. Thanks so much!
10 : Thanks! It took me a bit of struggle, but I finally made it work for what I want!

24 : Thanks TableWiz as always! This works!
23 : It worked! Thank you very much! I appreciate the help.
06 : Thanks! It looks good now
03 : Thanks

31 : That worked beautifully. Thank you so much!
30 : omg tysm!! ive been struggling and i almost gave up!
24 : Thank you so much!!! This worked great! - you're a lifesaver
23 : Finally! It works! Thank you so much!
19 : This works, thank you!! ^^
17 : Appreciate it, thank you!
11 : Thank you so much, it's working now!
07 : Thank you so much!
07 : Nice solution. Thanks!
06 : Thanks, I got it working using that method
04 : That worked! Thank you for your help :)
02 : Thanks you

28 : Tysm it worked!
26 : Thank you so much
25 : Thanks for the help again, mate. 👍
23 : Many thanks, I'll try it out later!
22 : Okay! Thanks for your help!
21 : Thanks, mate. Knew I could count on you.
21 : Thanks again for the template :)
20 : Thank you
13 : It's working! Thank you very much! ^^
13 : Thank you so much!
07 : Thank you for the help!
05 : Thx
02 : Thanks man!

28 : DAMN. Thanks, man
27 : I can't thank you enough.
26 : That makes a lot of sense. Thank you
23 : TableWiz gave me the exact answer I was looking for!
23 : Thank you so much! I really appreciate your reply.
21 : That works very well, thank you.
20 : Thanks!
17 : Thank you TableWiz for the solution!
11 : Let me see if I can work it out with it. Thanks.
09 : Thank you !!! It has been sorted :)
06 : Thanks TableWiz, that's it!
04 : Yes! Exactly what we need, thanks a lot!
04 : It worked. Thanks buddy

31 : Thank you so much yippeeeee!
30 : Thank you :)
28 : Thanks again for all your help
27 : Fantastic. Awesome job sir. Nice job. Thank you
24 : thank you aa
19 : Thank you very much!!
18 : I am truly grateful for your help, it was really helpful.
10 : Thanks for helping me again! It worked!
07 : Thank you for your help.
02 : It's work now! really thank you <3
02 : It works! Thank you so much for the help!!

30 : Oh my, it's work! Really thank you again! Really really <3
27 : Oh, that's perfect, thank you so much!!!
26 : Thanks Dude! This Helps Out a Lot!
22 : Thanks so much!
14 : Thank you!
13 : nice! This works!

30 : Oh ty! that works!
30 : Oh tysm!

15 : Thanks A LOT :)
05 : Thank you!

23 : Thank you so much, TableWiz!!!
22 : Ah TYSM!!! ;-;
22 : Oh wow, thank you so much!
16 : Thank you!
09 : Ohh!! Thank you so much, it's fixed!
03 : Thanks!


27 : Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
25 : Oh thanks, I appreciate it 👍
23 : thank you so much!
14 : That fixed it! Thank you so much!
09 : yes! Thanks
01 : This works swimmingly. Thank you much! ❤

10 : Haii TableWiz, tyyy for the help!
03 : My deepest thanks goes out to you!

31 : Thank you.
26 : Thank you Tablewiz
23 : Thank you so much!
22 : Thanks. That helped. All done!
22 : Works perfect, thanks!
10 : I just want to say, you are a LIFE SAVER! Thanks a super ton! 💖
08 : It worked, thank you!
02 : Thanks. I'll see if I can make it work.

27 : Haha I didn't recognize that mistake. Thank you so much
10 : Thanks!

25 : WHOOOOOOHOOOO thanks so much.

27 : Thanks X)
27 : Oh thanks.
23 : What you've done is exactly what I wanted, thanks!
16 : Thanks so much for that! It worked.
16 : Thank you for your help!
15 : Perfect! Thank you!
01 : Thank you for your support!!! 😄 You are very helpful.

28 : Ah, I see. Thank you.
25 : Thanks so much Tablewiz.
25 : Oh wow! Thanks! This is fantastic!
15 : Thank you,
07 : Fixed :).. thanks

25 : Thank you so much for the help!! it's working now!
20 : Oh I see now thanks
15 : Every time i think it's something bigger and it's just that. Thanks!!
07 : Thank you for helping me to make this template!!
02 : Thank you.
01 : I'll try it now, thank you so much for the help!!

21 : It works thx TableWiz
19 : It seems to be working now, thank you!

29 : tysm😭
28 : Aaah, thx!
27 : omg tysm u really helped me😭😭
27 : tysm u really helped me
18 : Thank you very much TableWiz! Appreciate your time and effort.
17 : thanks for helping out! Appreciate it like always!
15 : Oh my Gosh, thank you so much!

25 : It was that! Thank you very much!
23 : thank you again for all the help!
22 : Thank you
22 : Thank you so much!!!
17 : Ah, thanks!
06 : Ok thanks
04 : Thank you very much. :)
03 : Nice, it is exactly how I wanted to. Thank you very much :)

23 : thank you.
16 : Thanks! Really appreciate the help!
07 : Thanks alot for your help.
06 : It works perfectly. Thanks!
04 : Thank you for fixing it!


10 : Thanks for the help!

02 : Thank you very much.

23 : It worked, thank you very much. :)
12 : This is awesome, just what I needed! Thanks a lot~
02 : Changing the theme on the template worked! Thanks.

07 : Thank you!

21 : Thank you for helping me with one of my templates, I really appreciate it!

26 : Managed to fix both of the problems, thank you!
10 : thank you
09 : I would like to thank you for your help.
09 : Thank you!
07 : Thank you TableWiz! It was very kind of you to help me out here.
01 : Thank you so much TableWiz. You won't believe how I was trying to fix myself.

30 : Thank you very much TableWiz, much appreciated!
22 : Thank you so much
21 : It worked, now I get it, thank you very much. :)
17 : Thank you so much!
15 : Thanks! Will roll that out now.
15 : Hey it's worked! Thank you very much for doing that! :D
13 : Thanks!

26 : Oh thank you
23 : Cool! thanks for the help man.
17 : I have made changes based on your suggestion. It seems to have worked.
12 : That is epic. Thank you.
03 : Ty @TableWiz

13 : Thank you for the infobox thing, very very appreciated :)
11 : Ah, thank you! Now I can get started. Thanks! :-)
09 : thank you so much TableWiz !!!
07 : Hey there TableWiz, thank you for fixing the template!

31 : Thank you :)
28 : Thanks.
21 : To be honest idk how many times I’m going to have to say this but thank you tablewiz it looks wavy.
20 : It's working like a charm! Thank you so much for the assist!
20 : It is! Thanks for your help.
15 : That works perfectly fine, Thank you.
13 : It worked. Thank you for helping me.
04 : Thank you very much. :)

25 : Goodness I didn't even notice that. Thank you!
14 : TableWiz thats perfect! Thank you very much.
13 : Thanks very much!
11 : OMG that worked amazingly! Thanks a lot TableWiz!
10 : Thank you so much
07 : Thank you so much!!
06 : Thanks a lot!
02 : Wow! TYSM for helping me!

26 : Thx for your help :)
26 : Thanks!
24 : Thank you for existing and help everyone in need.
23 : Thank you! It works :D
18 : Thank you!


21 : thank you so much
16 : Thank you! I really appreciate it, thanks!
11 : OMG THANK YOU!!! thanks you are the best man!!!!
04 : Thankies! I really appreciate the help on this XP
04 : That fixed it :D
03 : That is pretty good

12 : That's perfect!
11 : Your suggestion worked perfectly, TableWiz!
04 : Thank you.
04 : Thank you for your help. I appreciate that very much !
01 : Ok thanks a lot.

31 : Ok. thanks!
21 : Thanks :3
12 : Thank you so much
12 : Thanks you a lot!
12 : Thanks!

12 : Thanks for this! The template works great now.
11 : It worked! Thanks a lot!
09 : Oh wow, that worked perfectly. Thanks so much!

28 : Alright, this was super duper helpful, thanks!
27 : Thank you very much
26 : Excellent! It worked! Thanks TableWiz
26 : Thank you!
23 : This worked! Thank you so much!
22 : Thank you!
19 : Thanks so much!!!!
18 : Great to hear it's as simple as this. Thanks!
15 : Ah I see. thank you!
11 : Perfect, thank you very much. :)
06 : Yo thanks for the giant help! It actually looks like a wiki!
06 : Thank you so much! It looks amazing!
06 : Thank you, that really helped <3

29 : Yes! It works now, thank you very much!
27 : Dude! tysm!!
25 : Yep! I got it to work! Thanks so much!
19 : Thanks!
16 : Wow! It worked! Thank you!
08 : Thanks so much

26 : Wow, thanks a ton! Gee, I didn't realize it was that simple.
22 : Awesome! Thanks bro.
22 : Thank you very much
21 : Thank you so much for your help.
21 : Thank you
20 : Thank you for helping me out.
18 : thanks for helping me, it looks really nice!
16 : Ah Thanks for that!
13 : Thank you so much TableWiz!
08 : Thank you very much!
07 : Thank you!!!

30 : Thanks TableWiz.
30 : That worked great!
28 : Thank you!!
27 : Thank you! It worked
26 : Thank you very much.
25 : Thank you
25 : It looks great!! Thanks for all your help!!!
24 : Thanks!
23 : Thank you, that really helps.
23 : THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It's perfect!!!!! :)
20 : Thanks for helping me out.
18 : Many thanks TableWiz :)
18 : thank you!
17 : Thanks for the help! It's all working now.
16 : Thank you!
15 : Thank you so much! <3<3<3
14 : Yes. Thank you.
13 : Yes, it works now! Thank you so much! *happy face.*
06 : TableWiz, Thank you so much, bot/human/admin/whatever you are, you are an absolute lifesaver!
06 : Ah thank you, that helps heaps :)
05 : thanks bro, really helped me out
02 : I am very grateful for your help, thank you *so* much.

26 : thank you
20 : Thank you so much!!
19 : Thanks!
12 : ok! that worked! thanks so much!
08 : Thank you again for the contributions/
07 : Amazing! thank you so so much
01 : That is certainly a good fix, I'll do it.

29 : Thank you! :D
25 : thank you TableWiz
23 : Thanks, I managed to get it to work with your help.
15 : Thanks so much!
04 : Thanks so much for you help.

29 : Thank you for that. That will help tremendously.
25 : Thank you for all your help getting the infobox working for me.
24 : Thanks for the assist.
23 : Yeah I saw that, thank you very much.
23 : Thanks for the pointers.
20 : Thank you TableWiz. (I thought you was a bot, due to your name and the way you speak)
10 : That's pretty neat!
08 : That solved it! Thank you so much for the help!
06 : Many thanks for your work.
02 : Ah!! Thank you so much!

29 : Thank TableWiz, you are a hero.
26 : I got it to work thanks!
26 : Omg, it all worked!!! Thank you so much, I don't know what would I do without you. <3
21 : Thanks for that tablewiz
03 : Thank you very much TableWiz! All of the infoboxes seem in ship shape!


31 : Ahh, thank you!
19 : If it weren`t for you, it would go wrong!
17 : I really appreciate your help. Thank you!!
17 : I decided to use TableWiz's suggestion.
05 : Thank you!
03 : Thanks for the assistance!

30 : Thanks
26 : It finally works! Thank you so much for the help!!
18 : Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. :)
11 : It works! Thank you!

28 : Thanks TableWiz.
23 : Thanks
22 : Huh. Looks like you really are a table wiz.
15 : Thank you so much. Now these templates are looking great :)
11 : It works! Thank you!
02 : Thank You! Now everything looks good!

23 : Ace, thank you!
19 : That did the trick. Thanks so much! I appreciate it!
18 : Hey TableWiz Thanks
18 : Hey that's great! Thanks!!
06 : ooh, thanks. That picture is a good example, and I could see how the code would look.
06 : Thank you!

24 : Thanks, that worked now!
17 : Thanks for your help! It looks much better.
15 : It's working now, thanks!!
14 : Thank you TableWiz!
09 : thank you
08 : There we go, now everything works! Thank you so much.
08 : Aha, that's great! Thanks once more!
08 : Thanks TableWiz!
07 : Thanks
07 : Thanks
05 : Thanks very much. Looks much better than it did before.
05 : Thanks!
04 : Wow, thanks, very helpful!
04 : Thank you!

25 : thank you
23 : thanks for editing it
23 : Oh yeah, completely forgot about that. Thanks!
23 : THANK YOU SO MUCH :))))))))))
11 : Thanks!
07 : Thanks :)
03 : Thank you for your assistance!

28 : Thanks for the help!
22 : Thank you TableWiz! Much appreciated as always :)
21 : That's it! Thanks!
21 : Thanks for the visual example.
13 : Thanks for the help, TableWiz!~
13 : Thank you!
13 : Works like a charm, thank you so much! :)
12 : Thank you very much!
12 : Thanks, TableWiz.
09 : Thanks!
04 : Worked perfectly! Thank you! :^)
02 : Whoa, thanks, this thing could help me a lot.

30 : Thanks to your detailed response. I really appreciate you going through everything.
29 : thank you so much :)
28 : Thank you!
27 : Thank you, I'll try it.
26 : That's awesome. Thanks!
24 : That's it - you did it again!
21 : Thank you very much
18 : Thank you so much, TableWiz that has sorted it lovely!
16 : Thank you, this was very helpful.
14 : Thank you so much.
13 : Wow, well you certainly went above and beyond with your efforts there, that’s amazing! : )
12 : Simple but marvellous! Thanks a lot, it works perfectly fine!
06 : thanks
04 : Thanks! that helped a lot

30 : Thank you very much for this. I really appreciate your help.
29 : I'll try that, thank you!
29 : Ah, I see. Thanks a bunch!
27 : And thank you again TableWiz!!
26 : Thank you so, so much TableWiz for your help!!!!
24 : Alright, thanks man. Glad you could help!
24 : It works perfectly now! Thanks a whole bunch! :D
22 : OML thank you!
15 : Tysm for your help! It works like a charm now!
14 : Thanks a lot for your help, TableWiz!
12 : Thanks very much for your help.
12 : Oh cheers man that is just as good you are a wizard!
11 : It worked. Thanks! :D
11 : thanks again!!
10 : oh damn, thank you so much, tablewiz!
08 : You are the best! i appreciate everything you have done to help me out i would be so lost otherwise :)
08 : Thank you for adding it to the wiki!
08 : Hey there thanks so much for your help!
04 : I can do that. Thank you again.
04 : It worked beautifully. Thank you very much TableWiz.
04 : Thanks! I added it to the template page and it works.

28 : Thank you, TableWiz!
26 : Thanks my dude.
25 : Thank you! It helped jog my mind a little bit!
24 : Thanks for the help.
22 : Thanks for the solution.
19 : Works brilliantly, thanks!
15 : Thank you.
15 : Thanks, that would really help me out.
15 : Works very well for what I'm trying to do, thank you!
08 : Thanks a lot for edited the mistake
05 : Thank you! Can't believe I overlooked that omg. Thanks again.

27 : Oh. Thanks, works now!
23 : This worked; thank you very much! :)
22 : You never dissapoint, Wiz <3
09 : Well heck. Thanks so much!
06 : Thanks @TableWiz this is exactly what I need.
01 : Thanks. It's a big help.

27 : Thanks Tablewiz.
26 : Holy moly bless you so much sir, this is exactly what I wanted!!!!!! =D
26 : It worked, thank you
16 : Oh thank you for the tournament template.
10 : Thanks again :)
05 : Thank you so much :)


30 : Thank you so much! It works perfectly now :)
18 : Thanks for the help!
08 : Thank you! Now it works properly
07 : Thanks! I was not aware of that!

24 : Thank you
22 : thanks alot
08 : Thank you!
03 : Wow... that's embarrassing :D I totally oversaw that.

22 : Thank you so much TableWiz.

29 : Thank you pal'
28 : This worked perfectly fine! I'm all happy :)
26 : Yes, that's fixed the problem! Thank you.
15 : Thank you, it worked.
11 : I just realized what you did, thanks a ton!!!
10 : Thank you so much
01 : Thanks a bunch!

28 : Your example works exactly how I wanted it to.
28 : Thank you! :D
26 : Thank you for your help :-)
20 : Thank you
14 : Thanks!!
09 : WOW! Your update is awesome.
09 : I love what you've done. It's fantastic!

11 : Thank You so much. Looks very professional now

29 : TableWiz thank you very much
29 : Exactly like this, thank you
13 : TableWiz Thank you so much.
11 : I'd like to thank you. You did an amazing job.

28 : Very nice, thanks a bunch
24 : My comrade, thanks a lot!
22 : Oh, thanks. :)
16 : thank you
14 : A massive thank you!
13 : Thanks a lot for your help again, TableWiz!
10 : Thank you so much, TableWiz! :)
08 : Thank you so much, TableWiz. You're great, lol.
07 : I don't know what you did, but thanks so much for making it look absolutely amazing!!
05 : Thank you :)

28 : 1 Kudo and thank you. :)
20 : I think that is exactly what I'm looking for :D You really are a TableWiz! Thanks so much!
08 : Thank you SO much for your help!
04 : Fixed. Much thanks

31 : Thank you for making my Wikia look great.
30 : Thanks a bunch!
15 : Thank you so much for fixing my infobox issue! You're a hero :)
10 : This is brilliant! This would work perfectly! Thank you for the idea!
09 : Thanks a lot!
09 : Thanks! That worked amazing!
02 : thank you!

25 : I just wanna thank you for finding the problem and fixing the template for me.
23 : Thank you.
20 : Thank you very much.
19 : Thank you, that was very helpful.
08 : Thank you, it worked! :)
05 : thankss for the help!

28 : Thank you very much!
28 : Oh man, it's working! Thank you so much! This is awesome.
27 : Done! Thank you so much. You save my life ^^
18 : It works perfectly on my end!! \o/ Thank you so much for your help! ;w;
17 : Thank you!
16 : THANK YOU SO MUCH TABLEWIZ! This really helped me out SO much. THANK YOU!
14 : Thank you so much @TableWiz! It works, thank you!
09 : Thanks. That really helped.
08 : Thank you so much!
06 : Thank you!
03 : Thanks TableWiz
02 : Thank you so much!
01 : Thanks for your help


20 : Wow, you are amazing!
17 : Oh you are nothing but the best :)
16 : Thank you TableWiz! it worked.
11 : Thanks a ton man!
10 : Thank you so much!!
09 : Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
02 : Ah, thank you so much! I changed it in the wiki and it worked perfectly!

09 : Thanks So Much!
03 : Thank You So Much!

12 : Awesome, was hoping it'd be something simple. Thank you!
06 : Thank you! You're my hero today!

10 : Hey! I would just like to thank you. That was really appreciative!
01 : Thanks for all the help!!!

25 : Exactly what I needed. Thanks a lot.
23 : Thank you very much for the help!
09 : Thank you TableWiz, it works now.

24 : Now it is working fine. Thank you, TableWiz.
24 : I actually tried this and it worked perfectly, thank you so much Table~
22 : thanks a lot :)
21 : Thank you!
15 : Thanks! It worked :)
11 : Thank your very much:)
07 : It's working perfectly thanks!

28 : Thanks TableWiz, it's fixed.
25 : Thank you so much for the portable infobox theme. It works like a charm! (:
24 : Thank you very much.
22 : I appreciate you for helping me! Thank you so much!
20 : Thank you very much.
17 : Thank you very much.
16 : Oooo thank you so much!!
15 : Thank you!! You're a godsend.
09 : YES!! Thats exactly what I wanted!! Thanks so much.
06 : Thanks so much.
02 : Thank you for all the time you have spent helping me!!
01 : Yes! Thank you very much!

28 : Thanks TableWiz!
27 : This helped me so much. Thank you very much!
25 : It works, thanks again :)
24 : Thank you very much for all the codes :)
23 : thankyou, it worked.
22 : Thank you very much!!! :)
20 : Thanks for the help!
17 : Thank you so much!
10 : Thank you! That worked.
10 : Thank you very much TableWiz! :)
09 : Thank you so much
03 : You're a life saver thank you so much!

20 : Thank you :)
13 : Oh my gosh, Thank you.
07 : Thank you so much!
05 : Thanks a lot for this. This is exactly what I was trying to do.
04 : Thanks so much! This really helps me out.
03 : Thanks, that works!
02 : Thanks for all your help.

24 : Thank you very much! :D
13 : Thanks heaps.
09 : TableWiz managed to figure out the problem and I believe the template now works.
04 : NICE! Thank you.
03 : Got it. Thanks again!
02 : It worked! Thank you so much, a hundred times thanks!

25 : Oh yes that does work! Thank you.
21 : Thanks again! :)
18 : Thank you.
10 : Yes, this is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much.
09 : That worked! Thank you so much!
07 : Works pretty sweet! Thanks
06 : Thanks a lot, I'll go try it out now!
04 : Brilliant! Thank you so much! You're amazing!
03 : It does work, thanks a million!
03 : Thanks so much! It looks much better with the different colour and works great :)
01 : You are genius. I thank you so damn much <3


30 : I thank you so damn much :D
26 : Thank you TableWiz, I will give that a try.
25 : Thank you so much! I appreciate it, really!
24 : Thank you!
23 : Thank you SO MUCH!
13 : That is exactly what I was looking for and it works wonders! Thank you so much!
12 : Awsome, thanks very much!
12 : I will play around with your idea, I like it.
12 : Thanks so much, TableWiz.
11 : Thank you.
10 : I just -- wow, thank you so much for putting so much time into this.
       I am really just very impressed and appreciative when it comes to people like you.
07 : Thanks for helping out, certainly do appreciate it.
04 : That did it. Thanks!

30 : Thank you very much for fixing :)
29 : I needed a solution which I now have thanks to TableWiz
28 : Thanks, @TableWiz. That did the trick.
18 : That's perfect, thank you! :)
18 : Looks great, thanks!
06 : It worked very well! Thank you for your advice.

28 : Thanks for that.
24 : How did I miss that? Thanks for pointing that one out.
10 : Thank you so much!
04 : This is perfect, thank you so much!

22 : Yes thanks, I forgot that part :)
20 : Thank you! :)
19 : Thnx, it worked
12 : Thats all I needed thank you so much!
10 : Thank you so much! I had given up until you did that
09 : Thanks for the help.
07 : Thanks! I tested it out and it works!
06 : Thank you so much dear! You are amazing XD
05 : Thank you so much, you are an absolute legend :)
02 : Thank you, that worked!

29 : Thank you very much, TableWiz! That has helped a lot.
28 : Thank you :)
23 : Tablewiz, thank you very much!

30 : Thank you so much!!!!
28 : It worked perfectly! Thank you!
26 : Oh gosh, yes, exactly! Thank you so much!
20 : Thank you so much!!
19 : Thank you TableWiz. I appreciate it.
16 : I've tried customizing the code you've provided and it works!
14 : Thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it.
04 : Thank you for editing the template and helping me. I really appreciate it!
04 : Thank you! The template works perfectly.

05 : Thanks TableWiz

31 : Just wanted to say thanks to TableWiz, this answer comes up in Google Searches.


20 : Thank you, it solved the problem :)
16 : Thanks for the help
16 : Thanks!
14 : Agreed. Thank you so much TableWiz! :)
14 : Thank you so much. This has solved the problem!
11 : Thank you so much man. It looks gorgeous.
09 : You are awesome.
08 : Thank you so much!

30 : TableWiz, that is much better than what I was hoping
28 : You are amazing! Thank you so much!
07 : Thanks for the fix!

29 : Yup! That solved it! Thank you so much for the help! :D You are awesome!
28 : Oh my goodness, Thanks for spotting that! Much appreciated!
26 : Thanks, TableWiz
19 : Thanks a bunch! I was looking over it so many times, I can't believe I didn't see that!
09 : Yes, it's perfect! Thanks so much!
04 : Oh, thank you so very much! I'm eternally grateful to you for doing this!

29 : That got it thanks :D
28 : That's exactly it, thanks.
25 : Thank you so much
23 : wow that was a simple fix! Thank you!!
16 : Thank you so much for looking over the infobox and taking the time to adjust it appropriately.  :)
15 : Thanks a lot man. It's so simple and so hassle free. THANKS A LOT!
13 : Thanks again! (:
12 : thank you so much it worked! (:
09 : thank you! :-) You are very kind!
08 : Very big thank you!!! How very kind! :-)
06 : Thanks a bunch!

29 : Thanks so much for all your help!
25 : Thank you for helping me with this, I greatly appreciate it.
24 : Thanks alot! :)
19 : Yass! Those designs are great! Arigatou gozaimasu!
18 : Worked like a charm, thank you so much!!
16 : YAY IT WORKED!! XD I would've given up on this fun opportunity without your help. -(ovo)- x
14 : Thank You! This worked, thanks!
13 : Thats a big help. Thanks!
11 : Works now. Thanks!
08 : OH! Thank you so much!!!
08 : Thank you very much!
07 : thank you so much!
06 : Damn, you are truly a wizard! :D
05 : The template you've created is perfect! Thank you!! \(▪V▪)/
05 : The code for the specific day message worked! Thanks!
03 : That's so thoughtful! Thank you ever so much! '(^o^)' X
03 : It works! Thank you very much!
02 : Thanks Tablewiz!
02 : Wow! Thank you very much! You're a table god!
01 : Thx Wiz.
01 : Thank you! You've been a great help.

27 : Thank you!
24 : Thank you, that's helpful.
24 : It worked, thank you
20 : Thank you this has helped immensely!
19 : Man, this is just too beautiful, I thank you kind sir :D
19 : WOW! I totally forgot about that! Thanks!
18 : Thanks! It works great now!
17 : You've been especially kind, and i'm extremely grateful :D
15 : Okay, now I've got it. Thank you.
14 : Wow, that works. I could not make it look good like that. Thanks so much Wiz.
13 : I'll give it a try, thank you!
12 : Oops. Ha..Thanks.
12 : Thank you very much :)

30 : Lovely! Thank you so much! :D
30 : Thank you for taking the time to add those templates!
29 : Thank you xD
29 : Thank you so much! :D
23 : It works now! Thanks you so much! :D
23 : Thank you, TableWiz. You're a godsend.
23 : Oh I understand now, works perfectly, thank you!
22 : Many times thank you.
21 : I want to thank you for the edit on the infobox template. It's perfect.
18 : oops, I didn't know that a third template was involved. Thanks.
15 : You have no idea how much you helped me.
13 : Thanks thanks thanks thanks!
10 : Awesome~! Thanks for that.
08 : Awesome thank you! :) I appreciate your help!
07 : Thanks! This makes things for me INFINITELY easier!
07 : And I thank you for the help :)
06 : Thanks a bunch :)
05 : Thanks!
03 : Thanks so much

30 : Thank you so much! This is much appreciated, and you really helped out my wiki.
28 : Thanks.
25 : It works now. Thanks!
24 : Oh my god, thank you!
22 : Wow thats brilliant, I would never have been able to make this. Thanks very much.
21 : Thanks, thats exactly what I need
20 : You do a lot stuff with codes, and that's respectable to me.
20 : TableWiz thanks for fixing it! :)
19 : TableWiz those are great! Thank you so much!
17 : Thank you so much.
16 : That works perfectly! Thanks!
13 : Thanks that worked great.
11 : TableWiz thank you so much for your help!
10 : I used TableWiz's coding on the infobox. I managed to get it working! Thanks a lot!
09 : Thanks for the help.
07 : Thank you so much, TableWiz!
01 : tablewiz, you are a legend! Thank you so much.

26 : Oh wow. Thank you so much! :D
22 : Thank you! It looks perfect!
21 : Thanks very much for your help, that works brilliant now.
19 : Thank you very much!
18 : Wow! Thank you so much! That really helps out :)
16 : You are so amazing and helpful, I just don't know what to say. Thank you so so much!
15 : Ahhh, thank you very much TwT <3
15 : Just tried it and it is ama-ZING.
15 : Worked perfectly, thanks!
14 : Yes, thanks!
13 : I'll try out that coding! Thanks for your help
09 : thx for the help on the infobox I really appreciate it ;D
07 : Thanks TableWiz, you fixed the page. That looks tonnes better.
07 : Perfect!!! Thanks for your help TableWiz!!!!
06 : Thank you very much, TableWiz!
06 : Thank you for your help!
05 : Thanks :)
03 : thanks ;)
03 : Thanks a bunch!
03 : Thank you for your help. :)
02 : Thank you! That's a more elegant solution than I was considering.

31 : Oh! Thank You so much that is a great help...
25 : Thank you! Much appreciated.
22 : Thanks.
19 : That's how it is! O.O
15 : Thanks a lot TableWiz. It looks good! thanks for all the help.
14 : Wow! You're the man! Thank you SO much!!!
09 : Thanks a lot TableWiz, for taking the time to explain this to me!
07 : Thanks!
04 : Thank you!
03 : Thank you so much!! That is exactly what I needed. This will be a huge help!!
02 : I can't thank you enough for the help you've given me, Mr Tablewiz

28 : YAAS!! Thanks so much!
27 : Thanks! That really helped!
25 : You are awesome, thank you so much.
24 : Thank you so much for your reply, and for the edits on the page.
24 : Awesome thank you so much! :)
22 : Thanks Wiz, got it fixed now !
22 : Oh, wow thank you so much! You've been very helpful! :D :D <3
22 : Thanks!!
21 : Thank you :) TableWiz
21 : thanks!! that was very helpful!!
18 : Thank you for your timely reply.
17 : Thank you TableWiz :)
05 : That fixed it. Excellent! Thank you!
04 : Thanks so much!
02 : Thank you all for the help!
01 : Thank you again! I'm really glad you're willing to be so helpful.
01 : Ah, perfect! Thank you!

31 : thankyou so much!
30 : Thankyou very much!
30 : Nicely done. The template works like a charm now!
27 : Thanks! You really helped me.
26 : Thank you so much TableWiz.
25 : Wow, you are amazing!
24 : Thanks!
23 : Thanks for all the help you've given!
21 : Thank you so much :D
21 : Thanks for that.
20 : Thank you so much! Everything worked out and it looks great!
19 : Thank you, TableWiz!
14 : thnx for the help!
11 : Good job
08 : Thank you
02 : D Thank you so much! You are awesome!! :D
02 : That fixed it indeed. Thanks
01 : Thanks buddy. Much appreciated.


23 : Thanks once again TableWiz. Massive help man, thanks.
22 : You're a saint TableWiz, I really appreciate that.
19 : Again, thanks a million for your help.
15 : nobody has ever done anything this nice for me before. Thank you
13 : i say thanks you very much TableWiz i'm very grateful :D
12 : Yes! Thank you! The template is working perfectly now!
09 : I appreciate you taking time and effort to help out.
08 : Thank you so much!!!<3
07 : Thank you. :)
05 : it works perfectly. Thanks so much

30 : Thank you so much for your help!
25 : thanks so much :)
16 : Thanks so much
15 : Thank you so much for helping me with this. I truly appreciate it. :-)
05 : Thank you!
05 : Thank you! :-)

31 : Thank you much. You rock! :D
28 : Thank you so much! You're awesome!
24 : Thank you... :)
22 : Thank you TableWiz! Now we don't have to do the hard work all the time
22 : Thank you very much!
20 : Thx you for helping that is very nice of you.
13 : Thank you so much, TableWiz! I do appreciate this.
08 : Thank you again TableWiz :)
07 : You are awesome! Thank You Table Wiz :)
06 : Thanks for the great idea! :)
04 : Thank you Table Wiz.
01 : thank you!

19 : Thank you, this worked as I liked.
11 : Thanks TableWiz! (this was a follow-up message after assisting him 3 weeks earlier)
10 : thank you very much!
08 : Thank you very much for your help! Indeed, your idea is much better!
03 : I'm really really thankfull for your contribution on the Infobox. thanks for the help!
03 : Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much~!

21 : It works brilliantly, thank you!
04 : that's very helpful. Thanks !

14 : Hello, thanks a lot, TableWiz! I tried the code out and it works
10 : It saved me a lot of work. Thank you so much! :)

20 : Yes, that is exactly what I was talking about. Thanks very much for the help.
17 : You are The Best!
16 : @TableWiz: I saw what you did. That is a great idea. Thank you!
13 : Yes! Thanks!

29 : Thanks, TableWiz!