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<h>The Annunciation

<c>Doctor 1 Lord God, great marvel is to tell How man was made withouten amiss, And set where he should ever dwell Withouten bale, abiding in bliss; And how he lost that comfort clean And was put out from paradise, And since what sorrows sore were seen, Sent unto him and to all his; And how they lay for a long space In hell, locked from light, Till God granted them grace Of help, as he had promised.

<c>Doctor 2 Then is it needful for to narrate How prophets all God's counsels kenned, And said thus: God the father in heaven His son he said that he should send To take shape of mankind, In a maiden full mild; So was many saved of sin And the foul fiend beguiled.

<c>Doctor 1 The prophet Joel, a gentle Jew, Sometime has said of the same thing, He likens Christ even as he knew Like to the dew in down-coming:

<c>Doctor 2 <d>[interrupting Ero quasi ros; et virgo Israel germinabit sicut lilium.

<c>Doctor 1 This maiden of Israel all new, He says, shall bear a child. This lady is to the lily like - That is because of her clean life, For in this world was never her like: One to be maiden, mother, and wife. And her son, king in heaven above. Thus of Christ's coming may we see How saint Luke speaks in his gospel: From God in heaven is sent, says he, An angel named Gabriel, <d>[Gabriel appears To Nazareth in Galilee, Where then a maiden mild did dwell, That with Joseph should wedded be; Her name is Mary - thus did he tell.

<c>Doctor 2 What God his grace then granted To man in this manner, And how the angel said, Take heed, all that will hear.

<c>Angel Hail Mary, full of grace and bliss, Our lord God is with thee And has chosen thee for his. Of all women blest most thou be.

<c>Mary What manner of hailing is this Thus privily comes to me? For to mine heart a wonder it is, The tokening that I here see.

<c>Angel Ne dread thee not, thou mild Mary, For nothing that may befall, For thou has found sovereignly From God a grace surpassing all. In chastity of thy body Conceive and bear a child thou shall; These tindings I bring thee, soothly. His name Jesu shall thou call. Mickle of might than shall he be, He shall be God and called God’s son. The throne of David, his father free, Shall God him give to sit upon; As king for ever reign shall he, In Jacob’s house aye for to dwell, Of his kingdom and dignity Shall no man earthly know nor tell.

<c>Mary Thou God's angel meek and mild, How should it be, I thee pray, That I should conceive a child Of any man by night or day? I know no man that has defiled My maidenhead, the sooth to say; Withouten will of works wild In chastity I have lived aye.

<c>Angel The holy ghost in thee shall light, High virtue shall to thee hold, The holy birth of thee so bright God’s son he shall be called. Lo, Elizabeth thy cousin, who might Never conceive a child, she being old; Yet now is in her sixth month full right, Yea, she that barren has been told.

<c>Mary Thou angel, blessed messenger, Of God's will I hold me paid; I love my lord with heart clear, The grace that he has for me laid. God's handmaiden, lo I am here To his will all ready arrayed; Be done to me in all manner Through thy word as thou hast said. <d>[She meets and greets Elizabeth

Now God that all our hope is in, Through the might of the holy ghost, Elizabeth mine own cousin, Methought I inclined always most To speak with thee of all my kin, Therefore I come thus in this haste.

<c>Elizabeth Ah, welcome mild Mary, Mine own cousin so dear, Joyful woman am I That I now see thee here. Blessèd be thou chiefly Of all women without peer, And the fruit of thy body Be blessèd far and near. This is joyful tiding That I may now here see, The mother of my lord king In this way come to me. As soon as I heard thy voice calling My heart rose up within me, The child in my womb so young Makes great mirth unto thee.

<c>Mary Now Lord, blest be thou aye For the grace thou has me lent; Lord, I love thee God, alway; For what hast me sent I thank thee night and day, And pray with good intent Thou take me in thy pay. To thee my will is bent.

<c>Elizabeth Blessèd be thou worthily proclaimed To God for chastity, Thou trowed, and thought thee paid At his will for to be. All that to thee is said From my lord so free, That grace that is foretold Shall be fulfilled in thee.

<c>Mary To his grace I will me take, In chastity to dwell, That made me for his sake Most happy among maidens. My soul shall praising make Unto that lord so true, And my spirit make joy alway In God that is my Saviour.