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Community Central

<hero description="In any city, in any country, there's a mental institution or halfway house you can try any of these in. There were 2538 of these Objects, but 2000 were lost.

The remaining 538 must never come together. Ever.

There may very well be a reason that you have come across this site, dear reader. Perhaps the Objects are calling.

Will you answer?" imagename="" cropposition=""></hero>


In any city, in any country, there's a mental institution or halfway house you can try any of these in.

There were 2538 of these Objects, but 2000 were lost. The remaining 538 must never come together. Ever.

These stories have been gathered from various sources, many of which are questionable at best, but they all follow a similar thread; they tell the tale of a number of Objects, which, when brought together, will bring about horrendous consequences

The Objects, while powerful and fearsome, lack the ability to freely gather together of their own volition, and so have called forth a need in certain individuals. These people become Seekers, their stories as twisted and damned as the Objects themselves.

There may very well be a reason that you have come across this site, dear reader.

Perhaps the Objects are calling.

Will you answer?

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