Former Lead Projects Coordinator, Madagascar Fandom •
Developer, Age of Empires III: Struggle of Indonesia
ALIASES: Bran, LaksamanaDarat |
I come from the golden chersonese known as Malaysia, and I'm a fan of Madagascar (film franchise) as well as Age of Empires (RTS game franchise). In the Madagascar Fandom, I used to serve as the Lead Projects Coordinator up till December 2019, meaning I was the one who is in charge of major fandom operations. I am also the bureaucrat of Madagascar Wiki, and still am right now. I'm also in the development team of an Age of Empires III mega-modification project called Struggle of Indonesia, as a developer. I'm also involved in the development of Age of Empires III's largest modification project, Wars of Liberty as a Volunteer. Oh, and I also happen to be a Community Councilor at FANDOM, appearantly. |