Community Central
Community Central
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No edit summary
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'u:dev:MediaWiki:Matrix.js' /* works on English CC*/

Revision as of 23:06, 16 February 2020

/*I don't want to add a new topic, I wanted to edit the article talk page, so this one solves the problem*/
//Please be reminded that talk pages are always odd numbered

(function() {
    if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 119) return;
    $('#ca-addsection').each(function() {
        var copy_to = $('#ca-edit').attr('class', 'wds-button').clone(true);
        var copy_from = $(this).removeAttr('class').clone(true);
/*Determines the article area's background color and returns it as a string in the format of a CSS color value.*Determines the article area's background color and returns it as a string in the format of a CSS color value.*/
function getBackgroundColor() {
    var bgColor = $('#WikiaPageBackground').css('background-color');
    if (bgColor === 'transparent') {
        bgColor = $('#WikiaPage').css('background-color');
    if (bgColor === 'transparent') {
        bgColor = $('#EditPageHeader').css('background-color');
    return bgColor; 

window.customCodeQuickLinks= {
    replaceAllDefaultLinks: true,
    linkSet: {
        siteFiles: [
                name: "JSPages",
                href: "/wiki/Special:JSPages"
                name: "ImportJS",
                href: "/wiki/MediaWiki:ImportJS"
        userFiles: [
                name: "Global.js",
                href: "//"
                name: "Global.css",
                href: "//"

mw.hook("wikipage.content").add(function($content) {
    // code to run
/*Caches a reference to an mw.Api object instance. For more info, see MediaWiki documentation.*/
var api = new mw.Api();

    type: 'script',
    articles: [
        'u:dev:MediaWiki:Matrix.js' /* works on English CC*/
/*Borrowed from dev*/
  //if the page currently loaded on the wiki is named 'Example Page' this code will be ran
  var inputBox = document.createElement("div");//create the a div element that will store the input box
  var input = document.createElement("input");//create a input element that will get the input entered = "input";//set the id to the input element to "input" = "inline-block";//set the style.display to "inline-block" so it will all be in one line
  var textParagraph = document.createElement("p");//create a text paragraph
  textParagraph.innerHTML = "times two is: ";//set the default text to the paragraph"inline-block";//set the style.display to "inline-block" so it will all be in one line = "textParagraph";//set the id to the textParagraph element to "textParagraph"
  var newLine = document.createElement("br");//create a br element to start a new line
  var getAnswer = document.createElement("button");//create the check button
  getAnswer.innerHTML = "Check";//set the text on the button to "Check"
  getAnswer.addEventListener("click", function(){
  document.getElementById("textParagraph").innerHTML= "times two is: "+document.getElementById("input").value*2;
  });//add a event listener to the button that will set the text to the textParagraph element to "times two is: (whatever it is)" when it is clicked 
  inputBox.appendChild(textParpendChild(input);//add the input element to the input box
  inputBox.appendChild(textParagraph);//add the textParagraph element to the input box
  inputBox.appendChild(newLine);//add the new line element to the input box
  inputBox.appendChild(getAnswer);//add the getAnswer button element to the input box
  document.getElementById("mw-content-text").appendChild(inputBox);//add the input box to the main page content

mw.hook('dev.modal').add(function(modal) {
    // `modal` object is the library's
    // exported object, same as

function isBright(color) {
    var m = color.match(/(?:([\da-fA-F]{2})([\da-fA-F]{2})([\da-fA-F]{2}))|(?:(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3}))/);
    if (!m) return false;
    var rgb = m[1] ? { r: parseInt(m[1], 16), g: parseInt(m[2], 16), b: parseInt(m[3], 16) }
                   : { r: parseInt(m[4], 10), g: parseInt(m[5], 10), b: parseInt(m[6], 10) };
    return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1000 >= 128;