Community Central
Community Central

Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
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"use strict";
 * Features:
 * - Rail hiding
 * - Wide pages
 * - NewPP info
 * - JST time/purge button
 * - Wikitext/HTML table rendering for Lua debug console
 * - Fixing notifications
 * - Disabling migration notification
 * - Hiding fan feed
 * - Hiding "top ads"
 * - Fixing topbar
 * - Hiding language switcher
 * - Hiding search ads
 * - Hiding global FANDOM elements
 * - Loading external images under .external-image
var version = '4.4.1a';
console.log("Revamp v" + version);
var color = window.headerColor || 'black';
var bindToLocalStorage = function (element, propertyName, variableName, onChange, onInit) {
    element.change(function () {
        var value = element.prop(propertyName);
        localStorage.setItem(variableName, JSON.stringify(value));
        if (onChange) {
    element.prop(propertyName, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(variableName) || 'false'));
    if (onInit) {
var renderWikitext = function (text, next) {
    $.get("//" + escape(text), function (data) {
        return next(data && data.parse && data.parse.text && data.parse.text['*']);
var addHeaderCheckbox = function (name, text, right, handle) {
        id: name + "Checkbox",
        type: 'checkbox'
        cursor: 'pointer',
        position: 'absolute',
        right: right + "px",
        top: '85px',
        'z-index': '0'
    }), $('<label>')
        "for": name + "Checkbox",
        id: name + "CheckboxLabel"
        color: color,
        cursor: 'pointer',
        position: 'absolute',
        right: right + 20 + "px",
        top: '87px',
        'z-index': '0'
    bindToLocalStorage($("#" + name + "Checkbox"), 'checked', name + "Checked", handle, handle);
var formatJstClock = function () {
    var locale = 'en-US';
    var options = {
        day: 'numeric',
        hour: '2-digit',
        hour12: false,
        minute: '2-digit',
        month: 'short',
        second: '2-digit',
        timeZone: 'Asia/Tokyo',
        weekday: 'short',
        year: 'numeric'
    var formatted = new Date().toLocaleDateString(locale, options).replace(/,/g, '') + " (JST)";
    return "\u21BB " + formatted;
$(function () {
    // Rail hiding
    addHeaderCheckbox('WikiaRail', 'Hide sidebar', 16, function (checked) {
        if (checked) {
        else {
        $('.WikiaMainContent').css({ width: checked ? '100%' : '' });
    // Wide pages
    addHeaderCheckbox('WikiaPageWide', 'Wide page', 110, function (checked) {
        $('.WikiaPage').css({ width: checked ? '90%' : '' });
        $('.wds-community-header').css({ width: checked ? '100%' : '' });
    // NewPP info
    var newPP;
        .each(function (_, e) {
        if (e.nodeType === 8 &&'NewPP')) {
            newPP =;
    // JST time/purge button
    var clock = $('<a>')
        href: '?action=purge',
        title: 'Click here to make the server purge and regenerate (update) this page' + (newPP ? "\n" + newPP : '')
        color: color,
        'font-family': "Monaco, Consolas, 'Lucida Console', monospace",
        position: 'absolute',
        right: '20px',
        top: '63px',
        'z-index': '0'
    setInterval(function () { return clock.html(formatJstClock()); }, 500);
    // Wikitext/HTML table rendering for Lua debug console
    setInterval(function () {
        $('.mw-scribunto-print').each(function (_, e) {
            if (!$(e).data('html')) {
                var text_1 = $(e).text();
                // only render tables
                if (text_1.includes('{|') && text_1.includes('|}')) {
                    renderWikitext(text_1, function (html) {
                        $(e).html(html || "<div style=\"color:red\">can not render</div>\n" + text_1);
                        $(e).data('html', true);
                        $(e).css('white-space', 'normal');
    }, 500);
    // Fixing notifications
    // Disabling migration notification
    localStorage.setItem('wkch_val_fandom-com-migration-after-closed', '"1"');
    // Hiding fan feed
    // Hiding "top ads"
    // Fixing topbar
    $('.wds-global-navigation').css({ position: 'absolute' });
    // Hiding language switcher
    // Hiding search ads
    $('.SearchAdsTopWrapper div').hide();
    $('#search-v2-form .results-wrapper').css({ width: 'calc(100% - 200px)' });
    // Hiding global FANDOM elements
    $('.wds-global-navigation__search-container').css({ width: '100%' });
    // Loading external images under .external-image
    $('.external-image a.external').each(function () {
      var link = $(this);
      var container = link.parent();
      var url = link.attr('href');
      $('<img src="'+ url +'">').load(function() {
        link.attr('class', '');