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This feature is absolutely awesome and very handy! Here are some things I noticed.

  • General - the map page is often not displayed correctly (see transclusion below) and requires a refresh (F5) in the browser fixed Qrsr (talk) 20:12, 20 June 2022 (UTC)
    • Unloaded content – As mentioned above, from time to time either my browser or the site itself seems to have problems loading the map. Only an empty box is then displayed. If the problem is global, I can imagine seeing a bar above the map in which you only have to reload the map. fixed Qrsr (talk) 20:12, 20 June 2022 (UTC)
    • Performance – I have created a map with more than 500 markers and notice that the browser is slow and starts to lag. Its also already noticable with 300 markers. Why so many markers? Some games have a world with a lot of locations and/or items that you don't want to spread all over individual interactive maps. If a map with so many markers is transcluded, the page around the transcluded content also has performance problems. I think it makes sense to set certain "filters" to "hidden" by default, when transcluded. A function for this would be godsent! fixed Qrsr (talk) 20:12, 20 June 2022 (UTC)
  • Keyboard shortcut - CTRL + ALT + E - non-functional in Map:Foo
  • Moving pages - Moving Map:Foo to Map:Foo/Bar will cause: something like Fatal exception of type "TypeError". The page producing a "redirect" must be deleted otherwise Special:AllMaps will be a broken page. This is really fatal here the entire Special:AllMaps page will be knocked out for an indefinite period of time as long as any map page works as a redirect! fixed Qrsr (talk) 00:15, 1 May 2022 (UTC)
    • Sub-pages - If sub-pages e.g. Map:Foo/Bar are used, these won't show a "back" marker on the sub-page itself, e.g. < Foo div class = <page-header__page-subtitle>
  • Category - [[Category:Foo]] cannot be integrated into JSON. Each map page is accordingly listed in Special:UncategorizedPages. fixed Qrsr (talk) 20:12, 20 June 2022 (UTC)
  • Categor, map - cannot currently be sorted alphabetically. If a new category is added (visual editor), it will appear at the last position, its impossible to "drag & drop" categories in visual editor. However, in the Source Editor, the "category" can be moved as desired, despite its "id". It seem not to interfer with JSON. fixed Qrsr (talk) 17:39, 28 June 2022 (UTC)
  • Category - using pageCategories: ["Foo"], will but the page into category "Foo" BUT it will also put all other pages the map is transcluded to, into category "Foo" since all JSON parameters will be transcluded. <noinclude> doesnt work in JSON.
  • Markers - Appearance; using images, emoji, text as a map marker would be very appreciated. Especially different images. fixed Qrsr (talk) 12:26, 29 June 2022 (UTC)
    • Customize category marker - Upload a svg, png, or jpg. (max: 64x64, min: 32x32) please enable an option to resize the marker. Qrsr (talk) 00:04, 30 June 2022 (UTC)
    • Popup - Accepts emojis but links aren't supported.
    • URL and label - Works for {{SITENAME}} links BUT Interwiki links ([[wiki:c:]]) and external links can't be used. A workaround is to create a redirect page with an interwiki link.
    • Link – When adding a link which includes special signs such as : the page cannot be landed. Thus an empty page (address/link not known) is displayed.
  • Marker link - It would be very helpful if map markers could act as a [[link]] too.
  • Map marker, grouping – It would be handy to link markers, attach a line to them. So that map markers will be connected. This would be e.g. helpful for marking a track, path to explain a route etc. (i assume its the same example like polygons section below).
  • Map marker – Having the option to check/uncheck markers by default in "Filters" would be very handy.
    • Map marker are especially useful when the map transcludes to an article which only is about one filter check mark and not all check marks. E.g. "article Y" is about "filter X" and when "Map:Foo" transcludes to "article Y" only "filter X" will be checked by default.
  • Visual Editor - Far better to create an interactive map in seconds but some errors can occur, errors such as: When creating map markers and switching to "Source Editor", ALL the progress will be lost.
    • Summary – using the visual editor does not allow to enter in a field what has been changed so far. "Summary" is only possible in the source editor. fixed Qrsr (talk) 17:39, 28 June 2022 (UTC)
    • Filter order – in VisualEditor there is no option to reorder (alphabetical) filter, this option would also be very handy. I could imagine drag 'n' drop filters.
    • Editing filter On/Off – check/uncheck fitlers when using the visual editor.
  • Source Editor - Progress made can be previewed of course BUT, without saving, can't be progressed in the visual editor, e.g. when changing mid-work.
    • Its impossible to change the image to an uploaded image, the box forces to "reupload" everytime. having a box to search for files on the local wiki would very appreciated. fixed Qrsr (talk) 17:39, 28 June 2022 (UTC)
  • Transclusion - If {{Map:Pagename}} is transcluded, when hovering over the map the cursor is stuck in the "grabbing" animation, thus can't change visually. The cursor works perfectly fine in in the Map:Namespace itself though.
    • Transcluded content is sometimes not displayed correctly, i.e. the frame of the interactive map is visible but the map and its legend, markers etc. are not.
    • If a thumb image is above (e.g. from another section) the transcluded map it can overlap, float into the map frame. It can be fixed for now using {{clear}}/{{clr}} below the paragraph/section.
  • Used files – even though a map image is used in "interactive maps" its flagged as "unused file" and appear in Special:UnusedFiles
  • Background color – Current default color is: background-color: #1e0c1b and cannot be changed via fandom theme designer (dark/light).
    • In Fandomdesktop.css this can be used to change the background color:
.ooui-theme-fandomooui .Map-module_interactiveMap__12rVe { background-color: transparent !important; }
.ooui-theme-fandomooui .interactive-maps__map { background-color: transparent !important; }
  • Mapbox - Embedding a Map - The box size seems fixed, the size of the map changes perfectly fine, can be streched etc. in its zoom BUT the map box cannot be enlarged. Any workaround?!
  • Mapbox - Wikitext – Please insert a text field above and/or below in page Map:Foo simply to describe the content.
  • Map preview – The "Interactive Maps" image previews on special page Special:AllMaps are of low quality, its minor but maybe there is way to allow for better quality?
  • listId"listId": "", and "listId": True, is as of today, 17:39, 28 June 2022 (UTC), breaking the entire map. Replacing it with a number found in "id" is fixing it.

Thx for reading, keep up the good work. Qrsr (talk) 07:02, 3 May 2022 (UTC)

You may want to notify staff about all these things over at zendesk so they can more reassuringly check them and bring some fixes to them in the near future. latest GreenWithin Talk Contributions 🦎 05:50, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
Thanks for the hint, already done! I still think it is helpful if others see what is documented so far (regarding technical issues). Qrsr (talk) 15:49, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
Just chiming in to confirm that Qrsr sent me a message yesterday to show me the feedback here, so we know about it! - Brandon Rhea(talk) 23:01, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
The last few weeks you could see that you had already fixed the problem with the "redirect" and broken "Special:Map", thanks for that! 👍 Qrsr (talk) 20:12, 20 June 2022 (UTC)
Since the feedback was a bit of a mess lately its now better sorted. I crossed outdated content and added the "listId" bug. Cheers. Qrsr (talk) 17:39, 28 June 2022 (UTC)

Area vs Marker[]

I understand the initial development being very specific. As an initial deployment, this is well needed and will help avoid the SVG nightmare for plotting points on a picture; and 9/10 rating for having a Google Maps "like" interface.

I hope that there are plans to integrate Area (Polygon) structures as well. I do a lot of Game-based Wiki here and there are a lot of content that is not very spot specific but more area-based.

Feature List: - Have the ability to add Area based coordinates (Polygon); should be easy to implement on the JSON side, not so easy on the backend parsing side - Much like On-Hover preview card on links to articles, treat the pins as these mini-previews with a click behavior on the popup or a specific link location. —This unsigned comment is by Goldbishop (wallcontribs). Please sign your comments by adding "~~~~" in the source editor.

is there a development in this sense? Pokémon GO wiki is waiting for it Luizsouthier (talk) 10:57, 16 January 2024 (UTC)

A small Feedback[]

  1. Missing technical details of some fields to aid in source-code editing on help page.
  2. Missing ability to define Regions. (polygons, rectangles, circles and elipses)
  3. Missing ability to group related categories. (sub categories)
  4. Missing a Ruler to aid in finding coordinates. It's a pain to manually edit-and-try using preview...
  5. Missing options/parameters for embeding in articles to customize visual. Like zoom level, center to display, categories that should be checked/unchecked as default and CSS stuff...
  6. Missing error reporting to find exact spot for debuging, one error causes just the parsed fields of the JSON tobe displayed, eg syntax error only, no logical value error reporting.

Probably more but the above is enough for now.

It's better as the current posibilities to make maps, but has a long way ahead tobe truely the default for maps for games on wikis...

See my comment and my map...

07:49, 29 June 2022 (UTC)

Custom marker anchoring[]

The ability to change where markers are "anchored" on a map when zooming in or out would be appreciated. At present they are anchored at the bottom of the marker, which works for the default markers that are pointed to the bottom, but for custom markers that are better anchored at the center, the bottom anchor causes them to be thrown wildly out of position when zooming in or out. Adonzo (talk) 05:23, 12 July 2022 (UTC)

Height of the map[]

I will be awesome to change the height of the map (not only the width) as described in the "Embedding a Map section"Luizsouthier (talk) 15:35, 30 August 2022 (UTC)

Thank you for your feedback, we've taken note of it. You can already reduce the height with div tags though. This does result in a less desirable user experience as it can create a scroll. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 09:40, 31 August 2022 (UTC)
But not really. Please check this: How can scroll be enabled?Luizsouthier (talk) 13:01, 10 September 2022 (UTC)

Showing a list of markers on maps from Filters tag[]

I want to enable a list showing an entire list of marked landmarks shown on Interactive Maps, just like the legends extension on imageMaps. Is there a way to enable that?

Mountain4567 (talk) 03:34, 20 January 2023 (UTC)

Mountain4567 (talkcontribs)

how to disable interactive maps extension[]

Ham numbers (talk) 22:09, 7 April 2023 (UTC)

Next Map Features?[]

Really like the maps, but some features could help QoL.

✅ 1. Fullscreen Toggle
Just a standard fullscreen button, one that would create a near fullscreen modal of the map or something. I've seen readers complain the map is too small and a fullscreen option would be preferable. Simply increasing the width and height is just going to take up too much room on articles.
EDIT: Fullscreen is available through
2. Regions
I know I'm not the first to ask for this, but being able to add not just points but regions too would be great.
3.✅ Default Filters
It would be nice if the map could be displayed with only some filters on by default. For example, we have many resources on our Wiki. At the moment each resource page has the same map, but all the filters are on by default and readers must turn them all off and then turn on just the filter for the resource the page is for. It'd be nice if each page could have just the filter of that resource on by default so the map doesn't also display locations of resources readers aren't even there for. So something like {{Map:World Map|Resource_1_Farming_Spots}} on the "Resource 1" page would only have the filter "Resource 1 Farming Spots" turned on.
EDIT: Using MapsExtended, Macklin mentioned below a way to specify hidden categories by wrapping the map in a div tag with appropriate data attributes. Unfortunately this has two problems:
    1. This overwrites the configuration settings in the JSON, so things like category groups and collectibles no longer work.
    2. To make it so only one filter is on by default, every other filter must be added to the data attribute, and if you have a map with tons of categories like I do that becomes a problem.
However, both problems can be solved by handling everything in a module and using a template. With this, all configuration settings in the JSON are kept*, and only the default cat(s) or category group(s) needs to be specified when transcluding the template. I.e. {{Map|Foo|Cat 1|Cat 2}} will display the Foo map where only Cat 1 and Cat 2 are on. See also as an example.
*For some reason data-map-controls and the collapsed field in data-category-groups do not work, so groups will be uncollapsed in the filters list by default and the location of map controls will remain in their default positions.
FINNER (talk), 22:14, 14 May 2023 (UTC)
If you use MapsExtended, default filters can be accomplished by using the hiddenCategories option in combination with an embed config. So you can keep your single source map with all the markers enabled, and use something like <div data-hidden-categories='["foo", "bar"]'>{{Map:MyMap}}</div> on a transclusion of the map to hide categories with the ID's "foo" and "bar". Regions are coming too. Macklin (talk) 06:00, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
I was not aware the hiddenCategories field could be accessed outside the Map page like that, that's incredibly useful to know, thank you! I will try that out in a bit.
FINNER (talk), 16:33, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
Hate to break this to you, but configurations do indeed get applied additively - that's what the whole system was designed for in the first place. If you have an embed-level config, the map will still use the local and global config but with whatever values are set in the embed config applied over the top. Read the configuration section on the docs for more info. Regarding the second point above, I have added visibleCategories as an inverse to hiddenCategories, so you can use it to hide all categories except for the ones specified in visibleCategories (hiddenCategories will still apply). Your workaround is super cool though, and I commend it for the creativity! If you've got any other suggestions or issues, feel free to PM me on Discord. Macklin (talk) 19:09, 27 May 2023 (UTC)
Well that was my original assumption, but if it really is meant to be cascading then it's not working properly. Any local configuration is completely skipped when an embedded configuration is present. Take for instance. This map has a local config defined ( ) but when invoked as <div data-visible-categories="["yao_shrub"]">{{Map:Duviri Joy Spiral}}</div>, only the embedded and default configs are used. Any attribute not specified in the embedded config skips the local config. That's the problem I was referring to before.
Also, data-visible-categories does not seem to be working as intended, as seen on the test page I linked. It sounds like it's supposed to hide all cats except for the ones specified, but that does not seem to be the case. Maybe a bug?
Also also, not sure if you saw my footnote, but data-map-controls and the collapsed field in data-category-groups are similarly bugged.
FINNER (talk), 22:11, 28 May 2023 (UTC)
Dang, I double checked and you're 100% correct, they don't seem to be cascading like they should - that's totally my bad! Yeah, it's supposed to work like that, but one of the last updates must have broke it. Just updated the script with what should be a fix, but it might not be reviewed for a few days (staff are all out of office it seems, so it's taking longer than usual). The visible-categories addition is yet to be reviewed as well, I just assumed it would be in between posting my reply and you reading it haha.
Hmm, I'll look into the map-controls and collapsed field too - thanks for letting me know! Macklin (talk) 15:58, 29 May 2023 (UTC)

Suggestion - global categories[]

If you have multiple maps which share the same set of categories, it would be nice to being able to edit the markers style in one place instead of every map separately. I think it can be added as a global set of categories shared by all maps in the wiki, with the possibility to add map-specific categories in addition to them. Tewod (talk) 16:21, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

Are there any coding (CSS) I can hide the Filters marking?[]

Are there possible coding (CSS) I can hide the Filters marking of the Interactive Maps?

Example image

Kiwiz ♡ Miranda ✰ (talk) 22:07, 26 October 2023 (UTC)

Multi-Language Support[]

Hi, is there a way to set up markers in multiple languages or some way add support for interlanguage links? --Donni Iris (talk) 20:54, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Hi Donni Iris! Regarding the first, the tool is already localized, while we identified some missing concrete translations, including markers. Based in your edit history, I guess you're requesting it for Spanish. ;) We already reminded the assigned team about this and they will finish the missing translations in the future. Regarding the latter, while it couldn't be intuitive, I recently updated this page explaining you can add interlanguage links in the Description field. We also planned to work into a more intuitive way to explain users how to add them. CuBaN VeRcEttI (Contact) 10:06, 11 April 2024 (UTC)

Reset map[]

is there a way to reset a map? Can't find it. I mean reset for the user so they can redo the pin selections over LetsPlayNintendoITA 17:26, 8 July 2024 (UTC)

Hi! Are you talking about the progress tracking feature we're testing? In this case, I guess you're asking if, once you have selected x amount of markers as completed, if you can remove all the markers and have them as incomplete again. If you're talking about something different (for instance, delete all the created markers from a map), please let me know. Thanks. --CuBaN VeRcEttI (Contact) 11:00, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
yes remove all the marked as complete ones LetsPlayNintendoITA 11:48, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
Ok thanks. This is not something we can currently offer, but this is something also other people are requesting it. We're keeping this into account and we'll try to add it in the near future. --CuBaN VeRcEttI (Contact) 09:58, 19 July 2024 (UTC)

How to add some of the customizations ?[]

Pillars of Eternity & Forgotten Realms both have search/magnifying glass in addition to the filters, how to turn that on ?

Tarkov and Need for Speed both have the search like the two above PLUS they have a hamburger menu, how to turn that on ?

Also, how to make categories and subcategories like Tarkov and Need for Speed have ?
- AngelaStuff2 (talk) 21:21, 28 July 2024 (UTC)

Hi! All the wikis you mentioned are using MapsExtended. --CuBaN VeRcEttI (Contact) 11:18, 29 July 2024 (UTC)
Thanks so much for the reply !! Question, if you know ... how do I find out/where do I look to see if our wiki (Fallout) is using maps extended ? edit: I looked here and don't see it on the list, is that the correct spot to look ? - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 16:07, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
The list of wikis using MapsExtended is here. Fallout Wiki is not using it. And yes, you should have the code to import it on that page. --CuBaN VeRcEttI (Contact) 08:27, 5 August 2024 (UTC)
I really appreciate all of your help. Another question if you don't mind: is MapsExtended enabled here in the Community (or can it be)? I'd like to experiment with it a little bit. I see the Interactive Maps help page says "Maps created in any other namespace, including as a userspace subpage, will not be correctly generated." Would I be allowed to experiment here (assuming MapsExtended gets enabled)? Or, is there a test wiki that folks can play around in?? - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 22:27, 5 August 2024 (UTC)
We don't have plans for this. Basically because it's a custom script and not developed by us. Nevertheless, I guess there are plenty of sandbox wikis on Fandom. Alternatively, you can always use any of the wikis where the script is enabled (like the ones you mentioned) and try to use a map on your personal space (user page, subpages, etc.). Obviously you have to create it in the maps namespace, but you can use the personal spaces when it comes to test the embedding. --CuBaN VeRcEttI (Contact) 09:57, 6 August 2024 (UTC)