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Site customization request[]

It is easy enough for a registered user to customize the selection of gadgets they wish to see in the left-hand nav-bar.

I think it would be valuable if some MediaWiki message could specify those gadgets that you want your site's visitors to see by default. For a registered user that same list should become their initial list of gadgets which they may subsequently add/remove gadgets to/from to suit their personal preference.

If such a feature existed I would consider making these useful gadgets visible by default:

  • Help needed
  • Tips
  • Shoutbox
  • Top referrers

najevi 14:18, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

Agreed that it would be nice - it has been on our to-do list for a while, but we've not found an appropriate time to do so yet. However, we are working on some tools that this could become part of. Stay tuned... Kirkburn (talk) 13:28, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

When I wrote the above comment, I did not appreciate the difference between a widget and gadget. Of course that comment pertained to widgets and not gadgets and shouldn't have been made here.

Gadgets defined at Wikia[]

This method for searching for gadget definitions at Wikia helped me. So maybe it'll help others. Google "allintitle: MediaWiki:Gadget-"

I ran into a problem when the very first script I had copied over from mediawiki (w:c:test-najevi:MediaWiki:Gadget-UTCLiveClock.js) did not work. Upon closer inspection I discovered that Wikia does not name the various "portlets" using the same labels that mediawiki does. (Also the class labels are not compatible.)

  • I conclude from this that importing Gadget scripts from mediawiki mw:Extension:Gadgets#List_of_gadget_scripts (and probably elsewhere) requires thoughtfully tracking and modifying such references before those gadgets can work correctly at Wikia.

Is that conclusion correct?

-- najevi 03:02, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Because Gadgets at rely on Monobook for UI styles and structure, you need to adapt them to work in Monaco, or use Monobook as your skin. --Ciencia Al Poder (Discussion) en WikiDex 14:24, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Cannot load gadgets on some wikis for one account[]

This is HM!00. Recently, I have enabled gadgets in an English and Greek Wikia. In the english one, I cannot enable one of them with my primary account but on the other ones, I can. So what I do? I contacted staff to see what's going wrong. I used my alt bot account and everything went okay. MarTsok 13:44, August 16, 2017 (UTC)

In the future, please post questions like this in our forums here. you get quick response from other users. and please link where you are facing trouble and whats wrong. ★ Minato826 . (Talk to ANOOP)(Contributions) 13:50, August 16, 2017 (UTC)