This set of main page <tags/> allows for easier main page design and is the recommended method of creating layouts for desktop main pages.
Using the following tags, you can create a main page that will work with Fandom ads and will be compatible with future changes Fandom may need to make to the main page layouts.
<mainpage-leftcolumn-start />
content in the left column
<mainpage-endcolumn />
<mainpage-rightcolumn-start />
content in the right column
<mainpage-endcolumn />
How to use the tags[]
The "leftcolumn" tag starts the fluid width left column, and comes first:
<mainpage-leftcolumn-start />
The left column is ended by:
<mainpage-endcolumn />
Next, the following starts a 300px wide right column:
<mainpage-rightcolumn-start />
The right column is also ended by:
<mainpage-endcolumn />
After the end of the right column tag, you can place anything you wish, and make it 100% of the page's width. However, note that this is generally recommended against, especially on shorter pages. You will need to add the following to ensure it appears below the columns:
<br style="clear:both;"/>
This demo community's main page is set up to display this article and some placeholder content, to illustrate how the tags can be used:
The main page tags in action on other wikis:
See also[]
- Help:Main page
- Help:Galleries, Slideshows, and Sliders to add cool images to your main page
- Help:Templates to create templates for things like "image of the day"
Further help and feedback[]
- Browse and search other help pages at Help:Contents
- Check Fandom Community Central for sources of further help and support
- Check Contacting Fandom for how to report any errors or unclear steps in this article