Community Central


Community Central
Community Central
Community Central

If you have created an account here on Fandom, you will want to be sure to be logged in to it so all of your contributions are recorded under your account. Follow the steps on this page to learn about logging in to your account!

Step by step[]

  • At the bottom left of a page, you will see a blank avatar icon if you are not signed in. Hover over or tap that icon to bring up the user menu.
  • Click the 'Sign In' button in the menu.
Sign in menu

The sign in/register buttons

  • On the sign-in page, fill in your username and password and click 'Sign In'.
    • If you have a Fandom account that is connected with Facebook, Google, Twitch, or Apple, you can use the respective button to sign in instead.
Sign in link
  • Congratulations! You have logged in to Fandom. You can now start editing!
  • You can tell that you are logged in by checking whether your avatar has replaced the blank avatar.

How to log in[]

Click on the "Log in" link at the top right of the page. You will then be prompted to enter your username and password. If you haven't logged in before, you will need to use the link provided to create an account. You may give your email address if you like.

If you click the box "Keep me logged in", you will not have to give your password again when you access that MediaWiki wiki from the same computer. This feature will only work if your password was not generated by the Mediawiki software.

Other steps[]

Logging out[]

  • To log out, hover over or tap your avatar in the bottom-left corner of the page to bring up the user menu.
  • Click "Sign Out" to log out of your Fandom account.
Help login screenshot 2

Changing your password[]

To change your password, visit your user preferences and choose the 'Change password' option on the 'My Info' tab (under 'Basic information').

Alternatively, directly visit Special:ChangePassword.

Problems logging in[]

To log in on Fandom, you must have cookies enabled on your browser. If you appear to be able to log in but appear logged out straight away, it is very likely a cookie problem. If you are certain that cookies are enabled, make sure you have not inadvertently listed or on a list of sites to never allow cookies for. You can check this in the privacy options of any browser you might be using. Also make sure that your computer's date and time are set correctly. If they are not, cookies may expire before they are supposed to.

Note that some firewall and ad-blocking softwares may interfere with the cookie that the wiki uses to keep a person logged in.

The issue may also be a cache problem. You can try bypassing your cache to see if that corrects the issue.

If you are unable to use the login form, make sure JavaScript is enabled on the login page.

If your account has been globally disabled by user choice or by Fandom then you will be unable to log in.

Still not working?[]

If you are still not able to log in, please contact Fandom, where the Community Team will be able to help restore access to your account. Please make sure you are sending your message from the email address connected with your account, so that we can verify that the account belongs to you.

What if I forget my password or username?[]

If you entered an email address when signing up for the account or chose to enter an email address in your Preferences, you can click the "Trouble logging in?" link under the Password line. This will allow you to reset your password or obtain your username via email.

If you did not enter an email address or the address is out-of-date, you will have to create a new account under a different username.

See also[]

Further help and feedback[]