Community Central
Community Central

A page can be formatted in a number of different ways, using headers, lists, infoboxes, and image galleries. For ideas on how to implement each of these in the different editors, please see the Classic editor page, the Visual Editor page, and the wikitext page for source mode.


  • It is good to break up long articles into sections to help the reader stay oriented. This can be done using headings. The format options available are:
Format option What it will look like
Normal text Text in a regular paragraph format
Heading 1 (unlisted)

is an unlisted heading which is probably used for titles but has no underline and you can get it this way: "= *example* =".

Heading 2

is the highest (listed) level of paragraph formatting. This is meant for major section headings.

Heading 3

is a sub-header and can be used as a sub-section heading

Heading 4

is a smaller sub-header

Heading 5
is the smallest sub-header option
Code / preformatted Technical text that should be displayed in a fixed-width font


Lists can help to visually group related content and may be numbered or have bullet points.

  • Numbers: A numbered list will look like this:
  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
  • Bullets: A bullet list will look like this:
  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item


  • Infoboxes can be used to separate out important basic information that people may want to find quickly.

Image galleries

  • A gallery of images or a slideshow can be used to present similar types of images in a more compact format on the page.

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