Community Central
Community Central

The FANDOM app is a free app for Android (4.4 and above) and iOS. It offers breaking news, stories, videos, and more from the entertainment world and is a great tool for fans to stay up-to-date on all the fandoms you're most passionate about.

You can get the app for your phone in the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

What will you find?

The FANDOM app covers a broad range of TV, movie, and video game topics that are tailored to your personal interests and hand-curated by FANDOM to guarantee that all the content you see is relevant and of great quality. In the app's scrollable feed, you will find news, feature stories, reviews, videos, and social conversations from countless entertainment news sources around the web, for example Twitter, IGN, GameSpot, YouTube and Pottermore.

Getting started

You can sign into the FANDOM app using your existing user account or create a new account right in the app. Logging in via Facebook Connect is possible as well. After you sign up, you'll be asked to follow at least three topics.

Once you're done selecting which topics to follow, you will see a news feed tailored to the fandoms you chose.

Making adjustments

You can follow as many topics as you want and later add or unfollow any topics you choose. The list of topics available can be accessed from the news feed via the icon in the top right corner. A menu will sweep in from the right, showing you which topics you currently follow. If you want to add or remove topics, click the plus sign at the top to get to the topic selection screen. When you're done making changes, confirm by hitting "done".

As part of the news feed, you'll occasionally see a slideshow of other trending topics that you don't currently follow, but that might interest you. From this slide show, you can decide whether you want to add any of these trending topics to your followed list.

If you want to go back to the top of the page, you can do so by tapping on the FANDOM icon.

You have the option to receive notifications to your phone about breaking news on your favorite fandoms. To opt in, hit "notify me" in the "Stay Updated" dialogue popup. If you choose "not now", but later decide you do want to be notified, or if you want to unsubscribe from notifications, you can change your notifications settings for the FANDOM app via your phone's app settings.

If you think you've found a bug, have a question or would like to share your feedback with FANDOM about the app and or its content, you can send us a message via the app's feedback button. You'll find it when you load the topics selection screen and then hit the cog icon in the top right.

Further help and feedback