Every community's founder has bureaucrat rights on that wiki. Other users may also be granted this access — by the founder, by another bureaucrat, or by an adoption request. This page is a basic guide to using your bureaucrat powers.
A bureaucrat can add and remove groups using Special:UserRights.
Usually, bureaucrats also have admin rights, which allow for most community management tasks. For more info on admin powers, see the administrators' how-to guide. If a bureaucrat has bureaucrat rights without having admin rights, they are able to promote themselves to admins by following the steps described below.
How do I grant user rights?[]

The UserRights control panel
By default, on Fandom, a bureaucrat can grant the following user rights:
A bureaucrat can also revoke the rollback, content moderator, administrator, and bot rights. Bureaucrats cannot directly remove other user's bureaucrat status (please contact Fandom Staff if this is needed), but a bureaucrat may remove their own bureaucrat rights.
Note that the administrator user group already includes the permissions of content moderators (which already includes the permission of rollbacks), so adding these groups to administrators is unnecessary.
- Go to Special:UserRights. There is a link to it on the list of special pages, on the Admin Dashboard, and on each user's Special:Contributions tab.
- Enter the user's name (case-sensitive!; already filled when going via the user's Special:Contributions) and click "Edit User Groups". The form shown at the right will be made available.
- Select the appropriate right(s) under "Groups you can change".
- If you want to grant them temporary rights that will automatically be removed after a set time, select a time from the Expires menu. Leave it as "Does not expire" if the new rights should be permanent.
- Fill in "Reason for change" (optional, but a good practice).
- Double-check your work! Make sure you're giving rights to the right person by checking the links to the user page and the contributions! Especially be careful about granting a user bureaucrat rights, since you cannot remove them later.
- Click "Save User Groups".
- Once you saved the form, a confirmation message will display which groups the user is now in, and the change in rights will be recorded at Special:Log/rights. The user will gain the new permissions immediately, and if they have email notifications enabled, they will get an email alerting them to this change.
After receiving the confirmation, you will see a link to the user's Message Wall or talk page on the form. You may wish to use this to notify and congratulate the user, and perhaps provide links to Help:Administrators' how-to guide and any local policies for administrators on your community.
See also[]
- Help:User rights has descriptions of all the user rights groups on Fandom
- Help:Administrators' how-to guide
- Edit even faster by learning keyboard shortcuts!
Further help and feedback[]
- Browse and search other help pages at Help:Contents
- Check Fandom Community Central for sources of further help and support
- Check Contacting Fandom for how to report any errors or unclear steps in this article