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Would it be possible to have some kind of notification from Wikia when the bot make edits? It just made a category named "Pages with broken file links." Seems important, but without some kind of message, I don't know if this is something I need to look after or if it is something that I can disregard. Any help woud be great! ---- Willie - HtS 09:07, September 20, 2012 (UTC)

Pages with broken file links is a default category that appears on all pages which have broken file links. Let me put a broken file here and you should see that category automatically pop up on this forum post too :) .
Don't worry, User:Wikia never really does anything important that you need to be worried about. All the bot does is things like send out the automated welcome message when a new user joins your wiki (see Help:Welcome tool), or do things like automatically delete all the comments for a blog when you delete the blog itself. You can follow Special:Contributions/Wikia on your wiki if you're concerned about the bot's actions, but honestly, it will never really do anything weird that you need to be concerned about. I'd just ignore it if I were you :) 20px_Rin_Tohsaka_Avatar.png Mathmagician ƒ(♫) 09:26 UTC, Thursday, 20 September 2012
Uh, sorry. I had typo so summary was not added. Bot is creating category page with special keyword _ _HIDDENCAT_ _ to mark this category as hidden. It's new thing in mediawiki added in version 1.18. You can find more info on Tracking_categories --Eloy.wikia (talk) 09:56, September 20, 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, I'm not talking about User:Wikia, I'm talking about User:WikiaBot, Mathmagician. And if it is doing things on my wiki, I should know about it. If the category requires me or other editors the change something, we're not going to just ignore it. If the bot adds categories to my wiki, now I need to go back and add them to the appropriate hierarchy in the category tree. It isn't that I'm concerned that it's going to be doing something weird, but a little heads up woud be nice. ---- Willie - HtS 10:09, September 20, 2012 (UTC)
Pages with broken file links is annoying, as it's so hard to keep track of what's going in there and not. I know it's supposed to make maintenance easier but it's just a headache for me. For example, if you specify a file name on a page, and then upload the file retroactively, the page stays in the category despite no longer having any broken file links.--Category:Acer4666 11:44, September 20, 2012 (UTC)
Sounds like you've had some unlucky caching there. If a page does stay in after uploading the required files, it doesn't stay there longer than the beginning of the next caching cycle. So at most you'd have to wait a day. But if it really worries you not to have instant updating of the category, just force update the page by publishing a 0 byte edit.
I can't say I've personally noticed any great lag on this issue, though. For me, the category is an absolute godsend. It really, really does make maintenance easier on our wiki. czechout    fly tardis 03:29: Sun 23 Sep 2012