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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4055 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

See Forum:Wikia’s new look - User questions.

The hope and intent of this page is to have user questions on the forum answered by Wikia staff (either via blog or directly) and beta testers. When they look nice and the answers are vetted in some way, they will move here and be transcluded to the bottom of Wikia’s new look - FAQ.

-- Fandyllic (talk contr) 3:42 PM PST 17 Aug 2010

NOTE: This is not the place to ask questions. Put your questions at Forum:Wikia’s new look - User questions.


Monobook will not disappear, too, right?

(Asked by Randomtime.)

Answer: "We will also continue, for now, to support the skin as a personal (viewing) choice for those readers that have a strong preference."

Have the beta testers been accepted yet?

(Asked by Matias.)

Answer: "There are currently over 130 people in the beta."
~225 see user rights log

Quartz and Monobook

(Asked by Lil Diriz 77 .)
Quartz and Monobook were still supported when Monaco was released and made default, why would you change your actions as now? Also, will Quartz and Monobook still be available?

Why is Wikia removing Monaco?

(Asked by Lil Diriz 77 .)

Answer: Wikia's explanation is that it can't have lots of skins at once without wasting lots of money trying to make new features work for all skins. That sounds reasonable to me. (Anyway, Monaco is more popular as a direct result of it being the default skin, not really as a matter of user choice.) The 888th Avatar (talk) 05:25, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

What is a "wiki beta tester?"

(Asked by SmudgyHollz.)

Answer: They view Wikia with the new developed skin and report feedback/bugs/suggestions to Wikia. Joey (talk) 12:01, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Will any of the pre-set themes resemble the popular "Obsession" skin?

(Asked by Wyvern Rex..)

Answer: "If you currently use a pre-set theme, that will automatically be carried over on to the new look. "

What's the fixed width of the article space?

(Asked by Duskey.)

Answer: This prototype has a fixed width of just under 1000 px.

Does anything works with Javascript disabled?

(Asked by Fandyllic.)

Answer: The prototype doesn't look good without Javascript, but you will still be able to edit without it (if you don't use the Rich Text Editor)

What is the Monaco transition plan?

(Asked by Fandyllic.)

Answer: "We will be releasing on a few wikis to start with, then on others as everything is finalized. But the Beta testing comes first of course."

When will this become available for all wikis?

(Asked by KiumaruHamachi.)

Answer: We haven't got a definite date yet, the Beta testing comes first, and that will start soon!

Will the Shoutbox still exist in Oasis?

(Asked by C Teng.)

Answer: The are looking into possible solutions. Ryan PM
14:48, September 20, 2010 (UTC)

Facts about Oasis

According to trac wiki Skins page, there are currently 2 preset themes avalible.

  • Beach - yellow, peach, blue, and tan vertical stripes
  • Carbon - black and olive diagonal stripes, BL-TR

Also, to avoid ever having an empty Latest Photo Activity widget, there are 10 preset latest images, all of which but #3 are pictures of flowers.

Oasis will also come with a total of 12 fonts for the ThemeDesigner:

  • fontin
  • garton
  • gondola
  • idolwild
  • imfell
  • josefin
  • orbitron
  • prociono
  • speakeasy
  • tangerine
  • titillium
  • yanone

Whichever is the font used in the original screenshot, it has a relatively Sans-like feel to it.

Edit "buttons" will be used instead of links, similar to WikiHow.