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Why did my admin removed because on the Eatventure Game Wiki, but why did someone removed my admin? Can someone have the admin back on Eatventure Game Wiki? I have a wiki link here: —This unsigned comment is by Andyphan20‎ (wallcontribs). Please sign your comments by adding "~~~~" in the source editor.

You can see it here. Considering your Discussions response, I'd advice you to read the basics if you wish to discuss things with Fandom - from insults, to announcing another wiki which may potentially go against the "no duplicates" rule, to not knowing that Fandom does not allow private wikis.--AzureKesil (talk) 20:10, 11 August 2023 (UTC)
As what AzureKesil wrote, you can see it in the user rights log. You can also contact Fandom Staff to discuss the matter with them. GotenSakurauchi (TalkContributionsGuestbook) 75 20:16, 11 August 2023 (UTC)
This is why you have to be careful! Looks like I have to use Trello right now because it is good for us. I don’t like the Eatventure Game Wiki anymore. Be careful! Just don’t do anything with it. Andyphan20 (talk) 22:13, 11 August 2023 (UTC)
Being racist and all that jazz will just get you into deep trouble. That's the wiki moral code: Do not be racist towards other people, and so on, plus being toxic to other people would make you look bad online. 🧺 Jenny_Wakeman9 | 📨 Contact me! | 📝 My edits everywhere! | 🌎 Founder of the My Life as a Teenage Rabbot Wiki 23:50, 11 August 2023 (UTC)
Nobody wants to go through the wiki anymore. Any players doesn’t want to look up because it really doesn’t looks like a wiki. This point of a wiki doesn’t want people to use it. You cannot go to the wiki. Never click on the link or enter the website. Andyphan20 (talk) 20:59, 12 August 2023 (UTC)
The wiki, last I checked, looked more like a wiki with a name and nothing else. It looked more like what I saw on the Fandom subreddit under this post two days ago, plus some pages or images don't even exist. 🧺 Jenny_Wakeman9 | 📨 Contact me! | 📝 My edits everywhere! | 🌎 Founder of the My Life as a Teenage Rabbot Wiki 01:34, 14 August 2023 (UTC)
As far as I've seen, people did edit on the wiki and you were the one hindering any editions and blocking people without rhyme or reason. Now that you have been demoted, stop throwing tantrums, accept it gracefully and let the community edit the wiki (or not). If you persist, people could ask Fandom for you to be blocked (assuming no other staff members are on the wiki). I mean, you are insulting people for the sake of it.
EDIT: and it's not that you don't know what wikis are for. After all, you are a staff member on many wikis, alongside users Andyphan218 (hmmm), Blocksworld25, Blocksworld55, Kidblock20 and Kidblock865. If they're your alts, I hope they're not used in a "wrong" way. --AzureKesil (talk) 00:45, 13 August 2023 (UTC)
I have only reported the spam on the wiki. That’s why everyone doesn’t want to go to the wiki. And I reported the spam and the wiki. No reason for everyone going to the wiki. Andyphan20 (talk) 22:14, 12 August 2023 (UTC)
I didn’t even know that I hate the Eatventure Game Wiki. You will need to unlock the user. For some reason the wiki was disabled. Andyphan20 (talk) 19:26, 13 August 2023 (UTC)