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Forums: Index Support Requests Welcome message---Answers equivalent?
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I know that the MediaWiki page Welcome-message-anon is used to automatically welcome anonymous users and can be customized. But is there an equivalent MediaWiki page on answers wikis? I'm having trouble finding it. Any help is appreciated :) The Revelation is Coming (Confront the catalyst) or {discuss the inevitable} 21:09, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

The page is the same, however it does not seem to work on answers wikis. I reported the message not working months ago but there was never a fix.--GodPray  21:42,2/3/2012 
It might work with the Message Wall, which uses the message Welcome-message-wall-anon. —Airhogs777 WCB WS 21:53, February 3, 2012 (UTC)
Adding {{Staff needed}} (if a little late). Would be nice to know what is going on here. -- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 8 Feb 2012 4:53 PM Pacific
Reviving thread. Wikia staff is checking for {{Staff needed}} because it is being removed from some threads for various good reasons, but not some. -- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 28 Mar 2012 2:00 PM Pacific
This seems to be actively working to me at the moment: click me!. It's quite possible one of the multiple tweaks to the tool in the last month or so kicked something? --daNASCAT WikiaStaff.png (help forum | blog) 23:59, March 28, 2012 (UTC)