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Note: This topic has been unedited for 5535 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

So, I was working my way through the new Metroid game for the Wii, and I don't have the cash to go out and get a really nice strategy guide, so I decided to hit up GameFAQs for their strategy guides. Naturally, there are about 20, all with cheesy text effects and sloppy tables of contents. I thought, why not just have a single strategy guide for people like me, that cuts out all the misleading jokey crap, and allows you to find what you're looking for without shifting through the guide with the Find Text option.

I think Wikipedia would be a perfect platform for this, so I'm proposing a video game strategy guide Wikia. Each video game page will have a complete walkthrough, split up by world, missions, etc. etc., and give nice thumbnailed pictures, cheats, and anything else you need all on one page.

Nice idea, but maybe this should just be covered in The Video Game wikia? ForestH2 15:43, 17 September 2007 (UTC)
That would be a good choice; there's nothing of substance there yet. Robin Patterson 22:52, 21 October 2007 (UTC)
There is also Game Info Wiki and if your really interested in Metroid, there is a Metroid Wiki too angies (talk) 23:14, 1 November 2007 (UTC)


i think we need a strategy wikia, but do you guys like my idea of a Command and Conquer wikia

from slovicks, —This unsigned comment is by Slovicks (wallcontribs). Please sign your comments by adding "~~~~" in the source editor.

Check out: —This unsigned comment is by (wallcontribs). Please sign your comments by adding "~~~~" in the source editor. It's exactly what you're talking about.