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Note: This topic has been unedited for 1117 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I'm always finding main pages of wikis have fancy boxes with colors and text and stuff (signatures apply too) and I think it has to do with coding in source mode. Does anyone have a tutorial on how to do that or something? (Here's my wiki, but I don't know why you need it) MissingNo. here! Talk with me! 19:12, December 25, 2011 (UTC)

  1. Seek the front page you like
  2. Go and see how the source code was written
  3. If you don't understand that, come here and ask.
It's really hard to tell what you need to do if it's not clear what you expect to have done. There are hundreds of thousands of tutorials about using HTML, Javascript, CSS, and other programming languages being possible at Wikia to use. And you can make a front page as extended and fancy looking as you like. But it's needed that you first give a clue about what you want to achieve. Go through wiki's, look at examples, then come back and show what you would prefer.
With the help of the random wiki link, I found a simple but nice main page that I like from Gun Wiki. What do I do know? --MissingNo. here! Talk with me! 21:35, December 25, 2011 (UTC)
  • Click view source code (you cannot edit this page, due to it being protected from being edited)
  • First line of code you see is <mainpage-leftcolumn-start/>
  • That is where the left column starts. The main page on gunpedia has a left and right column. Notice that you need to finish a column too with using end tags, in this case that would be <mainpage-endcolumn/>
  • Next you see {{HeadingA|About}}. This refers to template HeadingA (see here) which holds the name About at the page. It creates the grey bar with the word About in it.
  • If you want to use the heading like they have them there, you will have to copy the source code from that template HeadingA to your own wiki, and credit Gunpedia for creating it (you can do so in the edit summary box when you create a new page). So you go and copy the content to a page which you name exactly the same (like this) and use the edit summary box inserting: Source:
  • Once published, you can add headings using the magic word HeadingA between curly brackets, and add the name you want to give the header, like this: {{HeadingA|Name which i like to give my header}}.
  • The width of the left column on the main page on gunpedia is 60% due to a table being inserted which has the specification of being 60% of the page it's width. That table code starts at <table class="forumlist" and finishes with </table>
  • If there is more you like to know, feel free to ask.
I think it would be simpler to just explain how to make divs with rounded corners. Templates add many additional steps and make things very complicated for beginners. --IK Talk 01:30, December 26, 2011 (UTC)
It's okay, I've already used it and it looks nice. --MissingNo. here! Talk with me! 02:03, December 26, 2011 (UTC)