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Welcome to Fandom Community Central Support Requests, a forum where you may seek help from the Fandom community. Review the guidelines for help on how to post topics. See the General Discussion forum if you want to discuss something that isn't a support question.

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CreatedTopicLast editLast author
21 November 2022Keeping Wikis Up12:25, 11 February 2025LordTenebrous2
8 July 2024No 'Wiki' part in this wiki?18:37, 7 January 2025Schoolknown
29 March 2023Editing Anonymous User Talk Pages and removing links from said pages16:16, 7 January 2025TsukasaTenmaSlays
28 December 2011Permission Error?03:46, 3 January 2025No0n4m3S
28 September 2011Images aren't showing up11:31, 13 December 2024Oot42
19 December 2011Articles appearing on Google03:24, 6 December 2024TheWarriorBeast890
29 October 2021Youtube videos15:38, 27 November 2024No0n4m3S
8 October 2012You do not have permission to edit pages in the Article namespace.13:17, 16 November 2024No0n4m3S
7 June 2012How to use Template:USERNAME?19:08, 13 November 2024No0n4m3S
8 November 2024Tried to edit page, but it keeps saying: Caught exception of type Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError20:17, 9 November 2024No0n4m3S
15 November 2012Show IP address to user19:56, 4 November 2024No0n4m3S
19 November 2011Can I protect a page from being moved, but still let anyone edit it?22:15, 22 October 2024No0n4m3S
30 April 2024Why is this happening05:47, 19 October 2024RyaNayR
18 February 2024Not existing page display03:46, 19 October 2024Furbland
6 August 2023Remove advertisements03:46, 19 October 2024Furbland
2 October 2023Need help templates03:45, 19 October 2024Furbland
19 August 2011USERNAME09:09, 2 October 2024No0n4m3S
16 February 2012How do i merge a page?01:29, 29 September 2024Muchos
11 July 2022How to delete transcluded images from Fandom Commons Wiki (Wiki.png and Favicon.ico)13:58, 22 September 2024Noel-the-Tucker
5 September 2024Stub articles not showing up in 'Article Stubs' list10:49, 8 September 2024WrenDancing
8 July 2024How i add shadow in my wiki box?02:02, 17 July 2024Trustharri
9 November 2011Permanent Message13:51, 10 July 2024No0n4m3S
19 July 2011Support Requests01:30, 22 June 2024Oot42
5 December 2011I can't edit in Wikia, at all11:15, 16 June 2024GotenSakurauchi
16 March 2012Edittools bug in firefox07:36, 12 June 202411.chwnwader
28 July 2011Page has mysteriously disappeared, yet still is linked to in wiki as an active link...19:13, 5 June 2024No0n4m3S
23 March 2024How to improve Navigation Template22:26, 30 May 2024Brandon Rhea
3 February 2012Removing page from a category18:17, 21 May 2024NoPartyThisTime
19 September 2011Jedipedia22:03, 20 May 2024No0n4m3S
16 November 2012How Can You Change the Background of the Admin Comments?15:39, 6 April 2024No0n4m3S
31 March 2024Novice Mistake -- Need Help Restoring Image Gallery20:07, 31 March 2024No0n4m3S
22 July 2012Navigation Box19:48, 31 March 2024Sophiedp
16 February 2012Profile Titles15:40, 12 March 2024No0n4m3S
17 February 2024Using USERNAME template.11:54, 17 February 2024No0n4m3S
27 January 2024Mass image uploading issue17:21, 27 January 2024Muchos
17 August 2012Random Background question?20:04, 25 January 2024MagigMs
30 December 2023How to have permission to admins about the blockees?07:59, 1 January 2024GotenSakurauchi
24 December 2023How to link other communities pictures to articles?18:05, 24 December 2023Dr.Bryan
22 November 2023Can I have my username changed?02:49, 22 November 2023~aanzx
29 April 2012Chat Moderator icon23:05, 17 November 2023BoHere
29 October 2023Delete fake innactive wikis21:21, 3 November 2023No0n4m3S
29 October 2023Help making an infobox work?22:56, 2 November 2023Natolix
9 October 2023AWB Broken10:43, 9 October 2023GotenSakurauchi
20 April 2012How to edit MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation?08:01, 25 September 2023Polzpult
19 September 2023How to change a Page Image?12:30, 19 September 2023Muchos
5 November 2012How to view a list of all pages a wikia has?02:18, 10 September 2023BoHere
24 March 2012Strange image compression?10:21, 30 August 2023Tokina8937
14 January 2012Stub help23:27, 26 August 2023EndlessDoorsWiki
2 June 2021Is there a way to revert the new wiki design after opting in?02:04, 7 August 2023186.128.27.228
3 February 2012How do i get the Pounce! Badge?18:12, 5 August 2023ModestyElyonLane
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