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It's been a rocky road of transition, but now we're at a great place for search results on wikia. Now search for something and we get no results whatsoever displayed, or even any theming about the topic of the wiki - if you're on wiki 24, when you search for something you get a FULL PAGE ad about medal of honour! What a great outcome for search - it really helps visitors get to relevant content easily and not get confused. Nice one Wikia!--Category:Acer4666 23:46, June 6, 2012 (UTC)

Search results moh
High fives all around. --Gardimuer { ʈalk } 00:57, June 7, 2012 (UTC)
We've all just got to get used to the fact that our backgrounds, aren't backgrounds. They're placeholders for Wikia's ads! :P
I can't believe with the thousands of wikis Wikia has, they need to do this to you Yanks. Though MOH might be better than... I don't know, a soft drink? STARFLEET ACADEMY 01:48, June 7, 2012 (UTC)
Or... a Slurpee?
Oh that's what it was! I had that scrn cap in mind when I typed, but couldn't remember what the ad was about. Goes to show how much attention I gave to it! :P STARFLEET ACADEMY 06:58, June 7, 2012 (UTC)
Wikia won't listen to us when we talk about this stuff. I tried telling them about these type of ads (the slurpee ad to be exact), and they just said, this is a rare thing called skin takeover. If its so rare then why am I, along with many other people I know, seeing it 70% of the time we're loged off! Wikia needs to learn that stuff like this will just dive people away from a wiki, which will lower there ad revenue, which makes them lose moneyRainbowYoshi Random yoshi 777 RainbowYoshi
random as of 06/14/2012!!! 15:48, June 14, 2012 (UTC)