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Forums: Index Support Requests Multi-Category Search
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Is there a way to design a search feature (template) that can search for pages that are in 2+ categories?

Through google I've seen a few a few things that allude to it involving mediawiki...but was unsure on how it can be set up with a wikia site.

I run the and being able to search for certain cards with more than 1 characteristic at a time is very important, and I've neglected it for too long.

The coding for a search similar to this on the Yugioh Wikia looks way too complicated, and seems to be running on a whole separate category system than a usual wiki. Yami Michael 12:38, April 11, 2012 (UTC)

This can be done with a special page called "Category Intersection" - you can try it out here - and contact Fandom Staff if you want it enabled on your wiki -- RandomTime 13:21, April 11, 2012 (UTC)

While its only 2 categories, that does look nice. Thank you. Yami Michael 13:40, April 11, 2012 (UTC)