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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4726 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Since the changeover to the new Wikia skin (Oasis) from the Vector skin, our wiki no longer seems to use the MediaWiki:Welcomecreation file to greet newly registered users. How do we get that to work with the Oasis skin? Thanks! — SpikeToronto 08:06, May 12, 2011 (UTC)

User:Wikia lists the supported welcome messages. Sovq 08:58, May 12, 2011 (UTC)
Sorry I wasn’t clearer with my query. Apologies. I’m not talking about the message that gets automatically placed on the brand-new, registered user’s talkpage (i.e., MediaWiki:Welcome-message-user). That is working just fine. There are no problems with the MediaWiki:Welcome-xxxx files and their functioning.

What I am talking about is, immediately after a user has just created an account, the very next thing that appears on his/her screen. With previous skins, it was the content at MediaWiki:Welcomecreation (in our case, c:admintools:MediaWiki:Welcomecreation).

Whereas the welcome message at MediaWiki:Welcome-message-user only gets placed on a newly registered user’s talk page once s/he makes an edit, MediaWiki:Welcomecreation is intended to be seen immediately by the new user, whether or not s/he makes his/her first edit. It should be the very next thing to appear on his/her screen. This does not appear to happen with the new Wikia skin (i.e., Oasis).

How do I fix this? Thanks! — SpikeToronto 09:28, May 12, 2011 (UTC)