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Note: This topic has been unedited for 5046 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I'm from Skulduggery Pleasant Wiki and our main page is having problems with a tabber appearing at the bottom of the right column, despite there being no code in place for one. any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Kingbirdy 20:40, June 25, 2010 (UTC)

Are you refering to what looks like a white tab in the right hand column but but does not appear to act like a tab ? If so it disappears in preview if you remove the [[Category:Browse]] in edit mode (which is displayed on the 'tab'). Something must be missing / wrong in the pages style code to make it float up and display in the wrong place.
Perhaps one of the skin experts can sort out why it is doing it and fix it properly ? - BulldozerD11 23:52, June 25, 2010 (UTC)