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Note: This topic has been unedited for 1162 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I am currently workring on the top navigation bar of the Dungeons 2 Wiki and I wanted to a section on all the minions the player can control. For those of you no familiar with Dungeons 2, there is a classification system for all these minions which has three levels: Faction, Family and Species. Now I know that that may not sound like an issue, however with the 'title'(Minions) included that makes four levels however the maxuim level possible is three.

I wish to propose that this limit is increased to four. I think it would really benifit the Dungeons 2 Wiki and many others but for now I have decided to make a comprimise and have the factions as 'titles' instead of the work Minions.

The local navigation is considered a standardized part of wikis and Fandom is unlikely to make an exception for an individual wiki; assuming that is even possible. That said, if you wish to ask Fandom to consider this, you should file a ticket rather than post here. The forums and discussions on this wiki are for getting help from fellow users, not contacting Fandom. Keep in mind that the local navigation is not mean to be an index of every page on the wiki. It is supposed to lead users to a select few popular pages and/or pages containing longer lists of other pages. Additionally, I am pretty sure long/deep navigation areas are not good for search engine optimization. This means that having a long/deep navigation area will cause search engines like Google to not recommend your wiki to users. So that isn't good if you are trying to grow the wiki. Fandom is a for-profit company so in general they want the opposite; they want Google to recommend the wiki.
Andrewds1021 (talk) 20:27, 2 February 2021 (UTC)
Thank you for your repy. I see what you mean about Google and long/deep navigation not being as good and will not persue this idea any further. Thank you for your help.

Explorer for Treausre (talk) 07:54 , 3 February 2021 (GMT)