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Forums: Index Support Requests I have to spend all my time deleting images
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The quick tool to add images to an article is too problematic. Even though I set up a warning message on the proper image upload page, no one ever sees it because of the tool. Every image gets uploaded without indication of source and license. Almost all of my time editing the Xiaolin Showdown Wiki is spent deleting images and having to give the same explanation every time. Most of them have no idea that sources and licenses are required. This needs to stop. Users cannot be allowed to upload without indicating source and license. Jay32183 (talk) 19:25, September 26, 2012 (UTC)

If you want, you can set up a bot account (for ex. Jay32183Bot). You could give it the command to delete all unlicensed/unsourced images; it'd save you a lot of work. Love and Lust 22:26, September 26, 2012 (UTC)
Or, promote a new admin with the specific task of deleting unlicensed images. -452 23:32, September 26, 2012 (UTC)
I would recommend installing a bot removing each and every unlicensed picture and updating your welcoming message to anon and registered users to tell them what you expect from them.
That is being read by most and therefor usually tends to make them behave in a good manner.
The licensing issue however is not that big that Wikia does indeed persue it themselves a lot, so you can rest assured that in case a claim gets filed, Wikia will (have to) take part of the blame.
I would also recommend you to relax on persueing a heavy rules set wiki, because most wikis are non regulated around here.