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Forums: Index Support Requests How to make the effect when your'e hovering on a link on css
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I desperately need this right now because I want to add some flair on my wiki, Gabby's Dollhouse wiki I'm its founder, trying to fix it up a bit, hopefully no vandalism goes here because I just made the policies (Im not yet done with the consequences), but still, not yet finished. so, pls show me the css code for that effect when you're hovering over a link. pls pls pls!

✧ Sakuranyature ✧ 💬 📖 🏠 || : UTC 2:23pm PHT

The code depends on what effect you are trying to get, but the general form would be
.WikiaArticle a:hover {
Nam 07:22, 2 March 2021 (UTC)
Hi Nam! I saw you at The Experimental Coding wiki, right? Anyways, thanks!
✧ Sakuranyature ✧ 💬 📖 🏠 || : UTC 6:43 PHT 03-03-2021