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Note: This topic has been unedited for 5054 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I've been using templates to transclude a table into a article page, and to allow editing it has an V.D.E edit link in the first row/col cell.

I want to use a similar but different idea with sub pages to articles to cover each year related information so that they Articles appears as one, but is split up for management into sub sections by year (on a sub page), For several reasons; Easier to link to specific section, what links here then differentiates years, easier to create a std layout as wiki expands, control (sub page protect-able separately if required).

The problem is how to make the page editable to 'normal' users who dont 'see' it as a sub page, and do not/will not understand when looking at the 'main' article page transcluded page codes & how to edit the underling page.

similar idea

Wikipedias documentation template has an edit link or a create page link displayed in the visible transcluded documentation template to load a proforma (template) page to create a /doc sub-page if it does not exist or to edit the /doc page if it does. Does anybody know of a similar idea but simpler and that would work for multiple pages i.e articlename/year1, /year2, / year3, .... / yearX etc

I recall seeing a template used on some discussion pages for old discussions, but cannot remember just what it was and if it had an edit link IIRC it collasped them within a lightly coloured box with a border, like a doc page. It may be an idea to place these sub pages in collapsible 'container' box. an earlier idea was to use tabs.

Sub pages have a handy return link to the parent page but my problem is how to get the other way / into edit mode when it is transcluded ? I've looked through variouse wikipedia templates but as they do not have main article space sub pages perhaps a suitable one doese not exist on there. is there one on a Wikia site ?

I found a Edit template that adds a small +/- link but it is too subtle and on the left - See in 2009 section - BulldozerD11 17:03, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Include the headers in the transclusion (on the subpage). When they click the edit link in the header, it will take them to the subpage. Max21 17:28, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
Bless you. :-) Granpa 20:31, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
Not 100% sure what you mean Max as the Doc template is like what i want to do in som ways but I canot unravel the bit of code from the three templates used to do what I want. I found a Edit button template which I have added to the subpage and it appears in the sub page transcluded into the main(parent) page but when you clik it it edits the main(parent) page not the sub page even though it has {{SUBPAGENAME}} in the edit expression. ? - BulldozerD11 00:52, June 16, 2010 (UTC)
There is no reason to make a template. If you want an explicit button, just use [{{fullurl:PAGE|action=edit}}] and it will provide. Max21 06:46, June 16, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks Max that method works but as it is 'hard coded' so has to be added manually, and if pages move it breaks, as it does not 'auto detect' the page name. Hence why using a 'std' template - e.g How do you add an edit link to transcluded sub pages works on the sub page but not when transcluded. - BulldozerD11 11:44, June 16, 2010 (UTC)
Tried adapting the wikia templaes Documentation template > become Event-report. but cannot get the ifexist and preload string to work. it was offering it in template namspace which is were the original/doc code would be but i need to look in article space and to pre load to there. see event here for trial below existinf 2010 sub page - here which it should transclude again into the article but into the box - BulldozerD11 14:23, June 16, 2010 (UTC)

I never said to use {{PAGENAME}}. You have to put the actual title in the link. Max21 15:22, June 16, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks but as I said above thats 'hardcoded' hence trying {{PAGENAME}} - I'll keep looking till i find something that works from another template. Wiki codes great when it works but when you cannot find the right bit its so frustrating. - BulldozerD11 11:41, June 17, 2010 (UTC)
Have you tried [{{fullurl:{{urlencode:{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}|action=edit}}] ? — TulipVorlax 02:23, June 18, 2010 (UTC)
Scratch that ! Even with the full page name and the urlencode, you will get the name of the page on wich it is transcluded when viewing that one and the name of the included page when viewing it.
The there's no way than renamming or moving wont break links. — TulipVorlax 02:28, June 18, 2010 (UTC)