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So I've been expirimenting with the Layout Builder at the Homefront wiki, but the actual layouts in practice are not refined enough to be of very much use to either me or the other editors -- particularly when we are trying to edit via source mode, which most of us do. To us, the layouts are not good enough to bother using, and clunky. Now I have like 1/3rd of the pages built using the two layouts. Problem is, that's all I know about them. I need help finding out what pages are actually made with the layouts. YuriKaslov 16:12, March 1, 2011 (UTC)

Oh, and by the way, I had deleted the layout in hopes of a sort of... cascading deletion? It didn't work, evidently. YuriKaslov 16:14, March 1, 2011 (UTC)
The layout builder is a feature that's still in beta. It's bound to have bugs all over it.  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  16:31,3/1/2011 
Bad move deleting the layout, the layout contains the name of every page created with it.--GodPray  16:35,3/1/2011 
Thanks, guys, for being completely unhelpful. YuriKaslov 00:39, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
No problem. We take time out of our days to read these forums because we think it's fun.  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  00:41,3/2/2011 
Don't get smart. I came here to find out if there is anything I can do, not be told that "it's in the beta stage" or "bad move pal". Seriously, if you guys don't have anything helpful, you oughtn't post at all. YuriKaslov 00:50, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
Oi. I tried to help you by letting you know that you can't always do exactly what you want to do. Godisme revealed that you can see every page with the layout, but that you accidentally gave up that ability by deleting the layout. For you to come back and say nothing but 'thanks for nothing' is rude to say the least, not to mention that had you taken the time to think about the responses you got, I'm sure you would have derived a useful conclusion from them. Please don't take advantage of other people's good will.  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  01:00,3/2/2011 
Tell me, what "useful" conclusion could I gather from any of those responses? I'm trying to figure out how to find particular pages, not be told that the layout builder has bugs (something which I already knew). If you would offer alternative solutions rather than or in addition to informing me that I removed the easiest way to do what I want to, I might be more grateful. But you haven't. So excuse me for wasting two minutes of your life, but you wasted my time as well with worthless responses. YuriKaslov 01:28, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

(unindent) You're right, we're both wasting our time. So instead of killing each other and warranting staff intervention, we're going to stop. So to clarify what was meant by what has already been said, it's unlike Wikia to provide more than one way to do something, and as such you've likely deleted your only way of finding the pages with that layout.  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  01:44,3/2/2011 

YuriKaslov, you should use Special:Contact. With your attitude, I thought about helping, but decided against it. Monchoman45 is helping voluntarily. Wikia staff get paid to help you, so you should go to them. To help you, they would have to pay me, but since they don't.... -- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 1 Mar 2011 6:47 PM Pacific
Oh, and what help could you have possibly given me? Evidently I needed no help; I've already finished what needed doing. I just wanted an easier way of doing so, which none of you gave me. Matter of fact, the only quasi-useful (and for that matter, relevant) response here is godisme's answer -- but the fact that s/he didn't bother giving me an alternative makes that response just as unhelpful as any other. YuriKaslov 16:37, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
Fandyllic is one of the most knowledgeable people you'll find on these forums. And to reiterate what I said before, "it's unlike Wikia to provide more than one way to do something, and as such you've likely deleted your only way of finding the pages with that layout." Godisme would likely agree, because I know that if he had a way to solve your problem, he would have told you.  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  16:46,3/2/2011 
As said, wikia usually only provides one way of doing things. The layout list in the layout builder is the only way I know of doing this. Now let's stop all the bashing and just move on.--GodPray  17:22,3/2/2011 

True Help

Maybe I can help you. Can you please state the problem and provide as much detail as possible with a link and maybe a picture of the problem?--Andrew Schlieffen (talk · contr) 22:15, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

Not to sound unappreciative but I've already done things the hard way. Thanks for offering. YuriKaslov 02:05, March 3, 2011 (UTC)