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Note: This topic has been unedited for 1130 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Forcibly and permanently disabling blog comments after 30 days is so annoying. Is there any way to disable this, or configure it to disable after a longer period of time? It was annoying enough when it was only on here...

Sure, you don't want people commenting on year-old blogs. But only 30 days is a bit debatable for enough time.

---****--- Roads 19:55,11/11/2012

Hmm? I wasn't aware that was a built-in feature. Don't you need to install the w:c:dev:LockOldBlogs script to do that? The administrators can customise the length of time until the lock happens in the wiki's Common.js if they want. Lunarity 06:51, November 12, 2012 (UTC)
Oh, it turns out someone else put it in. Never mind, then. :P
---****--- Roads 16:37,11/12/2012
"you don't want people commenting on year-old blogs."
Why is that, exactly? I've never seen any problem in any form with anyone commenting on old blogs or forum posts. In fact, I've often seen the opposite: Disallowing adding new information to old discussions means that false information cannot be corrected. When searching for information on video games, threads on gamefaqs often come up in the results - usually unanswered similar questions from years ago, which no-one can answer now.
Wikia suffers the same problem with locking old blogs and forums posts. When I search for a question, it's easy to find the same question being asked, but impossible to leave an answer in the same place so that the next person searching can find it easily.
The implementation of Message Walls has caused wiki-wide locking of all talk pages, again making it impossible to leave answers to old questions, despite those unanswered questions popping up in search results. -452 19:53, November 14, 2012 (UTC)