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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4867 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

What We Know

This section will be updated as more information becomes apparent.

After experimenting with MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation, the following has been discovered:

  • More than four dropdown menus can be used on the navigation bar. Use *** instead of *.
  • Each dropdown can have more than seven links. Use **** instead of **.
  • <font> can be used to change the font, color and size of dropdown/link text.

These can be combined together to form the following example code:

***<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="1" color=red>Menu 1</font>
****Link 1
****Link 2       etc....

These techniques can now be used to make navigation on any wiki easier.
Eladkse @Project Holby 13:17, December 22, 2010 (UTC)


This is probably a violation of Wikia's ToU, but Eladkse has found a workaround to the 7 item limit for the 4 dropmenus modified in MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation.

From Forum:Can_sidebar_site_navigation_be_returned_in_a_show/hide_box?#Top_Bar_Multi-Level_Menu:

A fix for the 7 link limit is to use three stars instead of two in the source code. I use this method on Casualty Wiki to get all 25 series onto one menu. Eladkse 11:30, December 20, 2010 (UTC)

See it working at Casualty Wiki.

-- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 11:32 AM PST 20 Dec 2010

Honestly, I only reallised that there was a 7 link limit when I read that forum today. Do tell me if it's a ToU violation so that I can fix my wiki code. Eladkse 21:03, December 20, 2010 (UTC)
I'd rather have Wikia tell us.
Here is the relevant part of the Wikia Terms of Use:
Not intentionally block, remove, or otherwise obstruct the proper functioning and view of advertisements, and/or user interface and functionality by other users, including but not limited to changing or adding javascript or CSS changes to the Service that would prevent the proper display or function of advertisements and/or user interface and functionality.
From my reading this does not violate this policy as written above, but the scary part of the above is the "including but not limited to" and "proper" part of the language which is a gigantic loophole for Wikia to enforce whatever it wants.
-- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 1:43 PM PST 20 Dec 2010
Update: After experimentation, I have found that you can also get more than four dropdowns! Just use three stars for the 'top level' items and four stars for the links.
***Menu 1
****Link 1
****Link 2.... etc.
However, the dropdowns are limited by space in the header. Realistically, the maximum of dropdowns you could use is five. Eladkse 21:20, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
You are sneaky! ;-) -- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 1:58 PM PST 21 Dec 2010
Most useful find since Oasis. Thank you Eladkse. Now people can actually use our navigation as intended.   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   00:12, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
In regards to whether this actually violates the ToU, I'm led to believe it isn't:
Extra buttons or links added to the interface (Javascript): Admins on wikis also have the ability to tweak their wikis via Javascript. For example, this might be used to add in extra links to the wiki interface. We recommend against this, except in your personal Javascript, because changes to Wikia may affect your code. We always try to avoid this, but if you do use Javascript in this way, you should be aware of that risk.
--D. (talk · contr) 00:38, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
But Eladkse's method doesn't involve Javascript changes, so the statement above is still not directly applicable. Unless, Wikia didn't mean Javascript specifically, although it was mentioned 4 times. -- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 4:46 PM PST 21 Dec 2010

(unindent). Thanks for figuring this out! I was able to add many navigation menus in the top bar. See:

Depending on the minimum font size you use in your browser you can see more or less menus before they are covered up by the "random page" and "wiki activity" buttons. Menus extend past those buttons to the right. A horizontal scroll bar will show up if you put your mouse over there. It would be nice if we, or the staff, could move those buttons somewhere else.

If you put your mouse at the very bottom of the menu bar right at the line at the bottom, then all the menus will drop down. Even the ones partially covered by the "random page" and "wiki activity" buttons. --Timeshifter 02:28, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

Oh my god Timeshifter, your wiki's main page, my eyes, ahhhh. I guess its not meant for the non-potheads to like.   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   03:08, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
Some people like it. Let me know your thoughts here: --Timeshifter 03:30, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
This is getting better and better. You can increase or decrease the font size of the dropdowns and links using the font size tag:
***<font size="1">Menu 1</font>
****Link 1
****Link 2.... etc.
This means more dropdowns can fit into the space available. Eladkse @Project Holby 11:34, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
Font and colour can also be changed. See the new section above for details. Eladkse @Project Holby 13:17, December 22, 2010 (UTC)