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Forums: Index Support Requests Articles appearing on Google
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Hello central! I'm from:! and i've been writing articles. Although the articles don't appear on google. Apparently i need to have a lot of links. So that's what i did. I made a navbox of every character although it still doesn't seem to appear on google! What am i suppose to do? Please help! Kellyn|Talky 01:32, December 19, 2011 (UTC)

Usually it takes a fair amount of time to raise Google ratings. Also, if the topic is very popular, it may get lost in other websites with better ratings on search engines. Annawantimes (Talk) 03:18, December 19, 2011 (UTC)
Google is using software to gather all it's information. That software is called spiders or crawlers.
Those spiders/ crawlers go onto each website which has been made and index them and categorize them, based on a large number of different aspects. They also follow each and every link on a website to find more websites. Unless specifically told not to do so.
But since it's majorly resource intensive to go onto every single website out there and index them every 5 minutes or so, they have, based on some aspects, a profile how often they visit websites.
Static websites (content almost never changes) will be visited much less frequent then websites which have information changing every minute or so. The difference in indexing can range from between 5 minutes to 90 days.
You have started a wiki which fits a profile of a not so active website (you may think otherwise, but believe me, it's in the eyes of a search machine with trillions of website a not so active one). It will thus get visited and indexed and all links followed in several days, or even weeks.
So be patient. It may take some while to show up, but will eventually do so. The more active you are, the more frequent spiders will (invisible for you) visit the wiki and index it's content. Each time a spider/ crawler finds a different page when coming back, it will change the profile settings and usually that results in more often visits.
It however is not needed to change for the sake of spiders. That will easily make you tired of editing. Focus on making good content. The rest will soon follow.