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Note: This topic has been unedited for 5336 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I'm trying to make a small template of wich content will be move in the first heading (the title) of the page.

I'm using jQuery to get both elements like this :

  var h1 = $('h1.firstHeading');
  var lien = $('#wiki_officiel');

The div to be move has the proper ID. What give me the error is this :

    if(lien == null)
        return; = "block"; = "1px"; = "solid"; = "white";

I'm blocked on that error so i dont know yet if what i'm using to move the div is the correct code.

Here the entire function :

function LienWikiOfficiel() {
  var h1 = $('h1.firstHeading');
  var lien = $('#wiki_officiel');

  if(lien == null)
        return; = "block"; = "1px"; = "solid"; = "white";
    h1.innerHTML = lien.HTML + h1.innerHTML; 

I'm really good with JS it seems. — TulipVorlax 16:40, September 7, 2009 (UTC)