Community Central
Community Central

Creating a user account on FANDOM is free and easy, and it's a great way to collaborate with passionate communities of people who love what you love. Having an account gives you extra abilities and features that un-registered users do not have access to!

Your account is used on every FANDOM wiki, so you only need to create it once and you will be able to log into every FANDOM community. Once logged in, you can create a user profile page to introduce yourself to other users on wikis that you visit. You'll have your own Message Wall where other users can communicate with you, and you'll receive notifications (either on-site or via email) when a new message arrives. You can talk with other users in real time on a wiki's chat. On wiki Forums you are able to follow specific conversations and then receive notifications when a discussion has more activity. You can follow specific articles and pages, and receive email notification when other users make edits. You gain access to a customizable toolbar that sits at the bottom of your browser window. And you'll also see fewer ads as a logged-in user.

You don't have to create a user account to make a contribution on FANDOM, but becoming a registered user will make your experience the best it can be. So sign up today!