Community Central
Community Central

The following pages list servers on Discord that are built or run by Fandom wiki communities. These Discord servers are sorted by vertical and are alphabetical.

These are not official servers and not run by Fandom. One exception is the Fandom/Gamepedia server, which is Fandom's official Discord server.

Also, check out our communities on Tumblr, Facebook, X (Twitter), YouTube, Instagram and Discord!


GamingTV and MoviesBooks and ComicsAnimeMusicLifestyleOther

The Fandom/Gamepedia Discord is a Discord server for editors on both the Fandom and Gamepedia platforms. It is also the place to chat about various things, from discussion about Fandom and Gamepedia wikis, to chatting about beloved games, movies, TV, anime and more, from going technical and helping users for technical problems, to posting pictures, quotes and sentences!

See the announcement blog here for more information.