DC Animated Universe
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Batman: TAS
Superman: TAS
Batman Beyond
Justice League Unlimited

Batman: TAS

The series that started it all.

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Superman: TAS

The Last Son of Krypton.

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Batman Beyond

There's a new Batman in town!

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Justice League Unlimited

Heroes assembled.

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Batman: TAS
Superman: TAS
Batman Beyond
Justice League Unlimited


Bucky Buenaventura was a young technological genius. He was the son of scientists and inventors Rudy and Gloria Buenaventura. Born and raised in New Mexico, Bucky soon found he was considerably smarter than his parents, and had to fix all their faulty contraptions. Instead of seeing him as a good thing, they were unable to handle him. So his parents sent Bucky to the Sorben Institute.

At the Sorben Institute, he came to a conflict with the others - he was by far the youngest, and arguably the smartest of the scientists employed by the Institute. One of his most powerful inventions - the Inductance Controller - caused his temporary banishment from the institute as a trial run in dean Donald Tannor's office caused all the machinery to go haywire.

On his way out, he first saw Zeta. Upon hearing the synthoid's speech synthesizer, Bucky concluded that Zeta was a robot, and hacked NSA files to find out more. Upon seeing Zeta's schematics, he though it'd be a good way to get back at everyone at the Institute. With his Inductance Controller, he hijacked Zeta's motor functions. At first, he used Zeta's weapons to destroy his colleagues' inventions, but after he learned Tannor stole the Controller's designs to win the Innovation Awards, he turned his attention to his former dean. Angered, he set Zeta on Tannor, intending to scare him into admitting that he stole his invention and others, which he broadcasted to the entire fair. He then had Zeta advance on Tannor, but Ro took control of Tannor's remote to knock Bucky down. Zeta then brought up his saw blades and scared Bucky into promising that he would never use his remote again. (Read more...)

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80s Robin
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About Us

As the name suggests, the DCAU Wiki is a Wiki dedicated to the DC Animated Universe. It provides extensive coverage of everything pertaining to the line of DC-based shows, which started with Batman: TAS in 1992 and concluded with Justice League Unlimited in 2006.

We are currently editing 3,808 DCAU-related articles, ranging from character bios, episode pages, places, equipment and vehicles.

As with every open content wiki, anyone can edit the DCAU Wiki, with the exception of a few pages. No one is required to register, but we encourage editors to create an account so as to benefit from its advantages.


Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, The New Batman Adventures, Batman Beyond, The Zeta Project, Static Shock, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, and Gotham Girls along with characters, episode ideas, etc. are all registered trademarks of Warner Bros. Entertainment and DC Comics. The DC Animated Universe Wiki is in no way affiliated with either companies, and is purely for non-commercial and personal use. Anyone is free to use information from this site, as long as you do not use that information by plagiarism or use it illegally in any way that infringes on the trademark. If you do copy text, it is requested that you provide a link to the website or web page. The operation of this website is believed to fall under the United States "fair use" copyright laws. This is a purely "fan site," and does not pretend to be official in any way whatsoever.


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