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Adoption requests Other requests Selena Wiki

Please link to your username: [1]

Please link to the wiki here: [2]

How many edits have you made on that wiki?: 74

Have you edited there each day for the past seven days?: I did for a while but I am Doin it Againn

How many days/months have you been editing there?: since june 4

On the wiki you wish to adopt, please go to Special:ListAdmins. Then, list here the last time an admin edited and who it was.: i forgot I belive it was User:AJona1992

Any other information: I was Originally Globally blocked so i Cam Back To It Againn Just want those to Love Selena Marley Maria Quintanilla Guerra xoxo Ionela

I'm really sorry, but you have something on the order of 5 separate adoption requests open at this time. I'm therefore closing all your requests. I am also still of the opinion that the notes I gave on Adoption:SelenaQuintanilla Wiki still broadly apply, and that future requests for adoption are unlikely to succeed.
czechout    fly tardis 03:56: Sat 19 Dec 2020