What is your username? Iamcitizeninsanexd
Please link to the wiki here: https://4chan-science.fandom.com
What kind of user rights do you want to get? Bureaucrat
How many days have you edited the wiki in the past 10 days? 1
On the Special Pages → Special:ListAdmins, how many admins have been active in the past 60 days? 0
Comments/Reasons for adoption: Adopting on behalf of the Official /Sci/ discord server, >math is /sci/!!!!!!!, as requested by the admins of the discord server. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/521552007769620501/1280983090801410229/image.png?ex=66da0ff8&is=66d8be78&hm=4fa091662779f20a062219658e76ccc02db453e1b3523dc7af9fe90939d84d21&=&format=webp&quality=lossless
Is there a Discussion with community vote about adoption? If yes, provide a link