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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4503 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Happy holidays everyone! 'Tis the season to get in to the holiday spirit! Many wikis have added a seasonal theme to their WordMark or background to get editors in a festive mood. Have you added anything to spruce up your wiki for the holidays or winter season? Feel free to share your favotrites or add your own! :)

Here are some examples of a few of my favorites that I've seen so far:

(edit conflict)

It's snowing over on Ninja Gaiden wiki! You gotta give it a minute to start but when it does it's real neat. Check out how the snow gathers at the bottom and cool! --Meighan WikiaStaff.png (help forum | blog) 19:47, December 20, 2011 (UTC)
Its snowing over on Ninja Gaiden Wiki. I had lights up as well but the code for that was never designed to work with wikis so I had to take them down due to them causing the page to not load occasionally. I actually took the snow down yesterday but Meighan made put it back up--GodPray  19:44,12/20/2011 
Ahhhh that's sooo cool!! I love it! Festive yet subtle. :) ----Trellar WikiaStaff.png (help forum | blog) 19:46, December 20, 2011 (UTC)
Some good ones...
Not finding alot, though. -- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 20 Dec 2011 12:48 PM Pacific
Awww, those are cute! MLP has a winter wonderland theme for awhile. Sadly, it's since been replaced. :( ----Trellar WikiaStaff.png (help forum | blog) 20:35, December 20, 2011 (UTC)

I had snow on Video Game Wiki, but decided to take it down. – zzi 20:47, December 20, 2011 (UTC)

Aw, any reason in particular as to why you took it down? Too distracting? ----Trellar WikiaStaff.png (help forum | blog) 21:17, December 20, 2011 (UTC)