原文 : w:Help:Category

Categories seen at the top of the page, including a view of the drop-down when you click on "more"

A category is a navigational tool used in MediaWiki to group similar pages together and structure the wiki, making it easier to explore and use. They can be used to group not only articles, but also templates, images, and even users.

Categories can be found in the article header[1] and at the bottom of the page.


カテゴリ (Category) は、コンテンツをテーマごと(例えば、登場人物、書籍、場所など)にグループ化して、使い易い形で並べてくれます。カテゴリはどのページにも入れることができ、カテゴリが加えられたページは、自動的に他の関連するページとともにカテゴリページに加わります。




ページにカテゴリが追加されると、カテゴリページでそのページが表示されます。To add a category, begin by going to the page you wish to categorize. Then use either the category module at the bottom of the page or an editor, to add your category.(カテゴリページからは、各ページにカテゴリを追加することはできません。)


Category Module

This is category list, located under article, where there is "Add Category" button


  • カテゴリを追加」をクリックし、追加したいカテゴリの名前を入力します
  • 既にあるカテゴリは候補として提案されます。新しいカテゴリを追加するにはそのまま入力し続けます
  • 完了したら「保存」をクリックします。カテゴリへのリンクがページに表示されます




There are various ways to add categories while editing the wiki, depending on which editor you use.

UCP editor categorization


The editor allows for switching between Source Editing and Visual Editing.

Visual Editor
In Visual Editing mode, you can click on the Categories button in the drop-down menu on the right. This opens the category dialogue, which allows you to edit categories, add new ones, and optionally customize how the article should be sorted.
Source editor
ソースモードでは、カテゴリ名をリンクと同じように入れることができます。ページの最後に[[カテゴリ:]] (または[[Category:]]) と入力し、コロンと括弧の間にカテゴリ名を入れます。
例えば、ヘルプカテゴリを追加するには、[[カテゴリ:ヘルプ]] となります。

To commit changes, simply save the page.

How to sort articles in categories?

  • When clicking the edit icon next to category names, you can define a "sortkey" for that category. This sortkey defines at what point the article appears in a category page's listings, e.g., sort a first last name page under last name.
For example, you can use [[Category:Help]] to add a page to the Help category. To customize the sorting, you can use [[Category:Help|Custom name]] or [[Category:Help| ]] to force the article to display at the top of the page.
  • If an article example is an introduction for category example, a blank (space) or * (asterisk) sortkey puts it near the beginning of the category.
  • If the article is in many categories, you can add {{DEFAULTSORT:<sort key>}} in the article while editing in source editor to sort the article in all the categories the same way. This will save you from having to edit each category's parameters individually.




Categorical Pseudo-existence

When pages are in a category that hasn't been fully created













カテゴリをリダイレクトさせることは、技術的には可能ですが、ページの再分類が正しく行われません。そのため、他のカテゴリ名を使うべきだと知らせるTemplate:Category redirectのような注意文をカテゴリページに追加するのがよいでしょう。新しいカテゴリに全てのページを移動させた上で古いカテゴリを削除することもできますが、事情を知らない他のユーザーが古いカテゴリを再作成してしまうことがあるため、削除はせずにこういったテンプレートを残しておくのが良いでしょう[2]






There are several ways a category can be displayed. Anonymous or logged-out users will only be shown the dynamic, default category layout, while registered users can switch between them and select a default one.

You can change your preferred layout through the preferences page:

  • Open the My Info tab.
  • Scroll down to the Appearance section.
  • Use the drop-down next to Category page layout to select your preferred layout.
  • Save your preference changes.

You can also switch between layout options by using the layout buttons in the top-right corner of the page.

Note that the category display options do not affect the contents of the category page itself, they only affect how pages listed in the category are depicted. The category's contents (description, images, etc.) will always display first.

Dynamic categories

This is the default layout for anonymous and logged-out users.

The first section is an image gallery similar to the one used by the classic categories layout. Although similar in layout, the galleries may feature different pages due to a difference in selection criteria. The gallery for dynamic categories cannot be disabled.

The second section contains a count of the total number of list items and a list of up to 200 items. The list contains both subcategories and pages sorted alphabetically by sortkey. The list is organized into two columns and, where possible, each item contains an image from its respective page. Above the list is a series of links that allow the viewer to skip to a specific letter in the alphabet. Below the list, next and previous buttons are displayed.

Classic categories

The first section is a list of subcategories and the second section is a list of pages. The layout of the lists is similar to each other. If a list has no items to display, its section is not displayed. The sections contain a count of the total number of list items and a list of up to 200 items.

If there are more than 200 items in the list, links to view the next/previous items will be placed both above and below the list. The list is organized into as many as three columns and sorted alphabetically by sortkey. If the CategoryTree extension is enabled (it should be by default), the subcategory list will display each item as a category tree instead of a link to the category page.




