原文 : w:Help:Analytics dashboard

The Analytics Dashboard is a feature available on all Fandom and Gamepedia wikis that provides analytics information for that wiki. The Dashboard is accessible to administrators through the analytics page, which is also in the list of special pages.

Why analytics for admins?[]

The information we gather through our various systems can give a lot of insight into how each wiki is being used. We feel that information such as Top Pages and Most Viewed Images can help our admins and top editors choose the best ways to focus their efforts on content creation as well as learn more about the types of users who are accessing the wiki for content.

This feature was very highly requested in the 2017 Gamepedia Editor Survey, developed for Gamepedia in 2018, and ported to Fandom in 2019, as better access to analytics has been a major ask on Fandom for years.

Data usage policy and examples[]

Much of the data provided in the Analytics Dashboard is considered to be private and should not be widely shared or distributed. Generally, this includes anything that is not available to all users on the wiki, such as specific traffic numbers. It is shared as a courtesy to help our admins and editors gain insight into their individual wikis. Therefore, we ask that you consider how you share this data with any non-administrators. It is our intent that data can and should be shared within communities, but generally in a manner that maintains some level of care. Our main reason for this restriction is to prevent abuse from vandals and spammers.

  • DO share statistics with other active editors on your wiki
  • DON'T use public image hosts (such as Imgur) to share screenshots
  • DO use statistics in discussions on-wiki about content development decisions
  • DON'T share specific statistics in public forums, discords, or other spaces

These are just basic examples. If you have any questions about how these statistics should be used, please reach out to staff on the #analytics channel on our Official Discord server.


How do I get X feature added?

Please contact Fandom to request a new feature. Be very specific about the feature specifications and the use cases it would support.

Where is this data drawn from?

Data is taken from various sources including Google Analytics and standard MediaWiki logging.

How often is this data updated?

Data is updated a maximum of once per day.

What should I do if I know someone is abusing the Dashboard and sharing information in a way I think may be against this policy?

Please contact Fandom so that we can look into the situation. Generally, except in extreme cases, we will simply remind the user to review these policies. We reserve the right to take other actions as the situation warrants.

